Tatobay (Pashto: ټاټوبی اوونيزه) is a Pashto language weekly newspaper based in Kabul, Afghanistan. It covers politics, entertainment, business, interest, social, sports, tech, vox pop, health, art, and cultural issues and news of the week.
History: Tatobay Weekly Newspaper was established in 2006 as a 12-page, full-color newspaper. The Newspaper is printing (10000) copies weekly in a standard shape on Broadsheet paper & distributing in the Kabul, Kandahar, Uruzgan, Helmand, Zabul, and Ghazni provinces of Afghanistan, also in Quetta, Chaman, and the Kuchlak area of Pakistan. Tatobay Newspaper plan to cover all of Afghanistan provinces in the future.
Publications: The newspaper has also held its print publications in the light of the Afghanistan national & Media/Press laws & enforcement rules in the past 10-years. We found ourselves in the past 10-year period, that the most areas of Afghanistan are still part of print media activities and print publications, Especially the South Zone of the country, because we has more emphasis on the print media activities addition to the capital Kabul in the South Zone.
Breaking News Resource: Tatobay Media Group launched a breaking news website Tatobaynews.com in April 2014, which is currently have millions readers and viewers.