Kent Crispin

Country: USA

Kent Crispin has been involved with ICANN since before it was ICANN; he was Chairman of an initial Policy Advisory Board and a member of the POC, both of which were entities that foreshadowed the creation of ICANN itself. He currently works as a Technical Advisor to ICANN after being its Technical Systems Manager and Director for many years. He also owns, which is a hosting and consulting business.[1]


Mr. Crispin was ICANN's first Technical Systems Manager, and when he began he had a staff of only one other person. He has written vast amounts of code for ICANN; including work with the LACARLO servers which are automated to translate messages from English into Spanish. He worked on the recent audit of Whois servers.[2]

Other Work

Kent Crispin was a Computer Scientist at the Lawrence Livermore Lab, a government facility specializing in nuclear technology, for 22 years.[3][4]


  1. ICANN40 Interview
  2. ICANN40 Interview
  3. ICANN40 Interview
  4. Bio