Ope Odusan

Country: Nigeria
Email: oodusan [at] nira.org.ng
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   [Ope Odusan Ope Odusan]
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
   [Ope Odusan Ope Odusan]
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Ope Odusan is the Chief Operating Officer at NiRA,[1] which is the non-profit manager of the .ng ccTLD. He is also the Managing Director and the founder of Advanta Laboratories, Ltd.[2]

Current Work

Mr. Odusan's current responsibilities include managing their "Switch to .NG" campaign. The campaign uses a multi-stakeholder approach to bring universities, businesses, end-users, and others together to discuss and further the use of the national namespace by Nigerians. He also is actively spreading awareness among foreign entities the domain possibilities created through the .ng name space, given that many English words end in "NG". One prominent example is Microsoft's acquisition of the bi.ng domain.[3]

Career History

From 2005-2010, he was the Manager of QA Labs Computer Systems at Johnson & Johnson. Prior to which, he was a Senior Research Scientist at Centocor for two years. At Accelrys, he was the software application scientist from 2000-2003. He has also been a Research Scientist/Lab Supervisor at Wyeth Research, an Associate Pharmacologist at Abbot Laboratories and a Laboratory Scientist at Gas Technology Institute. From 1991 to 1997, he was an Associate Pharmacologist at Abbott Laboratories.[4]


Mr. Odusan holds an MS in Technology Management from the University of Maryland University College, MS in Biotechnology from the Illinois Institute of Technology and BSc in BioChemistry from University of Ibadan.
