Shah Rahman

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Shah RahmanPortrait.jpg
Organization: EyHost
Region: Asia
Country: Bangladesh

Career History[edit | edit source]

(2005-2008): System Analyst, Dhaka Telephone Company Ltd

(2008-2009) : NSS Engineer,Huawei Technologies Ltd.

(2010-2019): Lead Engineer, Augere Wireless Broadband Bangladesh Ltd

(2020- Present): Consultant, cWork Microjob Ltd

ICANN and Internet Governance Participation[edit | edit source]

Shah Rahman is a member of ICANN-NCSG/NCUC.


He is a member of the Internet Society and ITU

Education[edit | edit source]

B.Sc in Computer Science from American International University Bangladesh(AIUB).

Crafting Innovative Business Strategy, IBA, Dhaka University.

Awards[edit | edit source]

He has been awarded fellowships at IETF, APAN, APSIG, APrIGF, bdSIG, and ICANN

ICANN76 Playing Card Illustration[edit | edit source]

Shah is a rogue character who has knives and tools in his belt (because he likes Macgiver gadgets). His armor is light green and silver with a deer design on his chest.