
Status: Delegated
Registry Provider: Neustar
Date Implemented: 26 March 2015
Type: Generic
Category: Technology
PIC Submitted: Download Here

More information: NTLDStatsLogo.png

.download is a delegated TLD in ICANN's New gTLD Program. Famous Four Media (dot Support Limited) manages the TLD and is its Registry. The proposed application succeeded and was delegated to the Root Zone on 26 March, 2015.[1].[2].[3]

Application Details

The following is excerpted from the applicant's response to question #18:

"Why .download? Since its inception the Internet has revolutionised the way people communicate, share, play, do business and learn. Internet users now have access to an ever-expanding archive of movies, television shows, books and countless art-forms available for download to be enjoyed at home, just a matter of clicks away. However, access to the benefits and opportunities which the Internet offers, such as downloading such content, can often be hindered when navigating the ever-expanding sea of illegal, irrelevant and malicious content which also exists.

Thus, the aim of ‘.download’ is to create a blank canvas for online, legal download resources set within a secure environment. The Applicant will achieve this by creating a consolidated, versatile and dedicated space to download media. As the new space is dedicated solely to those within this affinity group the Applicant will ensure that consumer trust is promoted. Consequently consumer choice will be augmented as there will be a ready marketplace specifically for download-related enterprises to provide their goods and services. All stakeholders within the sector will be able to sample reactions to new ideas, or gather thoughts on the improvements of established ones. This will drive innovation and competition, as new channels will be available which are not yet fulfilled by current market offerings, compelling registrants to seek new and varied ways to separate themselves from the competition.

How will .download take shape? The Applicant believes that the success of the gTLD will be determined largely by the sector’s key global stakeholders. These stakeholders will be interested in registering a domain and additionally be motivated to protect their sector from detrimental practices. The Applicant believes that stakeholders should have the opportunity to influence the gTLD and the way it is governed. Accordingly, the Applicant is establishing a Governance Council (“GC”), consisting of key stakeholders that will serve as an advisory body.

Why Applicant? The Applicant has substantial combined experience amongst its team in managing global businesses from a financial, legal and operational perspective and an exceptionally strong financial position. The Applicant’s Team has previous experience with the entire gTLD life-cycle significantly lowering any launch and ongoing operational risks associated with this application. The Applicant has engaged a world-class Registry services provider to manage the technical infrastructure of the .download gTLD. The Applicant is further advised by the leading sector experts in all other areas required to ensure a responsible and successful launch and ongoing management of the gTLD to the benefit of all stakeholders in the ICANN community.


Aside from certain start-up mechanisms, all domain names will generally be registered on a first-come, first-served basis. A Trademark Claims service will be offered for the first 90 days of general registration, with the intent of providing clear notice to potential Registrants of the existing rights of trademark owners with registered trademarks in the Trademark Clearinghouse.'[4]
