Status: Delegated
Registry Provider: Verisign
Date Implemented: 01 May 2015
Type: Brand TLD
Priority #: 211 - Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas, S.A.

More information: NTLDStatsLogo.png

.sener is a Brand TLD delegated in ICANN's New gTLD Program. Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas, S.A. manages the TLD and is its Registry. The proposed application succeeded and was delegated to the Root Zone on 01 May, 2015.[1][2]

Application Details

The following is excerpted from the applicant response to question #18:

"The new .sener gTLD will operate as a restricted registry, in which SENER Ingeneria y Sistemas S.A. (SENER) can create and control domain spaces that promote its brands identity and authenticity. In this regard, the .sener gTLD will be used by SENER to provide information and resources regarding SENER’s engineering projects, products and services to clients in a way that promotes trust, innovation and utility. The .sener gTLD will provide an authoritative Internet space for SENER, its affiliates and partners that are associated with the SENER brand. Second and third level domains can then be utilised to provide specific domain names for engineering projects and for marketing purposes, with Internet users assured of brand authenticity.

SENER is a global engineering, construction and systems integration company with over 50 years of experience. SENER, a member of SENER Grupo de Ingeneria, S.A. (SENER Group), has four business units comprising Civil & Architecture, Aerospace, Energy & Processes and Marine. Founded in Spain, SENER is an international leader in civil engineering and architecture, aerospace engineering, aeronautics and vehicles, actuator and control systems, power and processes and marine engineering. SENER employs over 2,500 professionals in 13 offices located in nine countries across the world. SENER expects to open new offices in a further six countries in the near future. SENER is committed to offering its clients quality solutions and products that are technologically efficient and innovative. In this regard, brand reputation, consumer trust and continuous innovation are paramount considerations in all its activities. The new .sener gTLD will promote SENER as a leading edge brand with a strong online presence, provide improved and trusted access to SENER’s services and facilitate easy and accurate exchange of information between SENER and its clients."[3]
