Status: Delegated
Registry Provider: Neustar
Type: Brand TLD
Priority #: 1012 - Yahoo

More information: NTLDStatsLogo.png

.yahoo is a Brand TLD delegated to the Root Zone in ICANN's New gTLD Program on 13 February 2016. The registry operator is Yahoo.[1][2]

Application Details

The following is excerpted from the applicant's response to question #18:

"Yahoo! Inc. is a premier digital media company which delivers personalised digital content and experiences across devices and around the globe to vast audiences.

Yahoo! Inc. was developed in 1994 by founders, David Filo and Jerry Yang and incorporated in 1995. We are a Delaware corporation with headquarters in Sunnyvale, California, and employ over 10,000 staff who are based in offices in more than 25 countries, regions and territories. Yahoo! has been a publicly traded company since 2006 and in the 2010⁄2011 year had revenues of $6.3 billion.

Our product offerings fall into three main categories: communications and communities; search and marketplaces and media. The majority of our offerings are marketed in more than 25 languages and in more than 50 countries, regions and territories.

Yahoo! is the leading online ad network in the U.S., with more total unique visitors, average daily visitors, and total pages viewed than any other ad network. We derive the majority of our revenue from display and search which for calendar year 2010 represented 84% of our total revenue.

Yahoo! Domain Services Inc (YDS), a subsidiary of Yahoo! Inc. will manage Yahoo! Inc.’s gTLD domain name matters, including the .yahoo TLD. YDS’s goal is to assist Yahoo! Inc. with building and operating a cutting-edge domain name registry and creating a unique space where customers and internet users can learn about .yahoo products and services in a targeted manner. YDS is applying for .yahoo which it will manage for Yahoo! Inc. The .yahoo registry will be a standard registry, not community based.


Only Yahoo! and its affiliates will be able to register second level domain names in the .yahoo registry. We will also be differentiated through this level of control from existing TLDs because internet users will not have to worry about corruption, security, or false or inaccurate information. "[3]
