Bart Mackay

Email: BMackay [at]

UnderConstruction.png Bart (P.) Mackay is the Co founder and Principal of Dot Vegas Inc.[1] Bart Mackay is recognized worldwide as an expert in the domain name industry.[2] He has more than 25 years of experience in Law and specializes in business financing, technology licensing and protection, and turnarounds.

He is also an attorney, principal and VP of Business Finance Corporation.[3]

He attended the ICANN Studienkreis Annual Conference 2004.[4]

Career History

Earlier in his career, he was the Director of International Policy and Business Development at VeriSign[5], and participates representing .cc and .tv in CENTR and in the ccNSO meetings.He also represented VeriSign in matters related to ICANN.[6]

Prior to joining VeriSign, Bart was chief counsel for eNIC corporation, operators of the .cc ccTLD for the Cocos (Keeling) Islands[7], and before that, he was an attorney in Washington State specializing in international business law.

Mr. Mackay has also been the Director of VoxLogic Technologies Corporation.


He holds J.D from the Gonzaga University School of Law.[8]
