The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is a U.S. Department of Defense combat support agency. The agency has more than 8,000 military and civilian employees providing, operating, and assuring command and control, information-sharing, and infrastructure support to joint warfighters, national-level leaders, and mission and coalition partners across military operations.[1]

DISA DOD Network Information Center (NIC) operates, one of the thirteen logical Internet Root name servers. DISA DOD NIC cooperates with the eleven other Root Server Operators to provide authoritative data for the DNS Root Zone.

The G-Root DNS system operates at:

  • IPv4 address from the range
  • IPv6 address 2001:500:12::d0d from the range 2001:500:12::/48

These ranges are announced from AS5927.

More about G-Root:

  • uses BIND9 from Internet Systems Consortium.
  • G-Root RSSAC measurements
  • Locations: Columbus, Ohio, US; Stuttgart-Vaihingen, DE; Naples, IT; Fussa, JP; Honolulu, Hawaii, US; San Antonio, Texas, US [2]
