Jose Clastornik

Jose-Clastornik - Portrait-2013.jpg
Jose-Clastornik - Caricature-2013.jpg
Country: Uruguay
Email: jose[dot]clastornik[at]ajesic[dot]gob[dot]uy
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   [Jose Clastornik Jose Clastornik]

Jose Clastornik is the Executive Director of AGESIC, the National Agency for e-Government and Information Society in Uruguay. He has held that position since July 2006, and works on innovating relationships between citizens and public administration. [1]

He is involved with ICANN through the GAC.[2]


  1. Jose Clastornik], Retrieved 2013 August 9.
  2. ICANNWiki Interview, July 2013.