Map Sponsor

Revision as of 23:04, 27 September 2011 by Caterina (talk | contribs)

Being the Map Sponsor is one of three special sponsorship opportunities that we currently offer. They are only available to our Platinum Sponsors, who enjoy the highest offerings our sponsorship program provides. Platinum sponsorship, and by extension the special sponsorship opportunities, contribute to our continued, enthusiastic participation at all three annual ICANN conferences. At these events we have an official booth space that is used to educate newcomers about our site, update the articles of established ICANN attendees, and hand out our popular give-aways.

Platinum Sponsorship includes the exclusive placement of your logo on one of these desirable gifts. As the map sponsor, your logo will be displayed prominently on the map portion of the giveaway, and your representation in the mural will be extensive. In addition to the inclusion of your booth and several members of your team, your logo will be displayed in imaginative ways on various paraphernalia around the mural.

Note: Participation as the Map Sponsor is on a first-come, first-serve basis. We are debuting the maps at ICANN 42 in Senegal. There is no current Map Sponsor; acting quickly will guarantee that you will see your brand further represented at the Senegal conference and beyond. Learn about our other special sponsorship opportunities, the Playing Card Sponsor and the Caricature Sponsor.