Nabil Benamar

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Country: Morocco
Email: benamar73[at]
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Nabil Benamar

Nabil Benamar is an Associate Professor in Computer Sciences at Moulay Ismail University in Morocco. He specializes in Computer Networks and IPv6.[1]

Benamar's ICANN meeting was ICANN 50 in London. He is involved in ISOC and is an At-Large member of ICANN, and is interested in Internet Governance, DNSSEC, and the IANA Transition.[1]

He was an ICANN Fellow at ICANN 54 in Dublin.


During ICANN 55, Benamar was awarded a 'Certificate of Achievement' for his work toward improving the Internet. Mr. Benamar is a member of the Arabic Script Generation Panel, a group dedicated to making the Internet multilingual.


  1. 1.0 1.1 ICANNWiki - ICANN 50 Intake Form, June 2014