Souleymane Oumtanaga

Country: Ivory Coast

Souleymane Oumtanaga is the General Manager of He has held this position since 1992. He is also a professor at the national Polytechnic Institute Felix Houphouët-Boigny. He is also a member of the LARIT.

He serves as the Director, Strategic Partnerships at APTLD.[1]

Career History

Mr. Oumtanaga has served as the head of CFTIC (Training centre for Information and Communication Technologies), EDIA ( Doctoral School of Computer Sciences) and the University of Rennes.[2] He is the initiator of many internet related projects in his country like the AI3L and the CIIXP and IPV6 deployment in Ivory Coast.[3]

He has been the Vice President Of Capacity Building.[4] He was a speaker at Internet Governance, Role of AfriNIC and IPv4 to IPv6 Challenges.[5]

He attends AFTLD meetings.[6][7] ICANN Meetings[8]

In 2009, he seconded Dr. Paulos Nyirenda to represent African Region at ccNSO council.[9]
