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Cherie Lagakali is the Senior Advisor Pacific Cyber for the Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) involved in the setup and establishment of a Pacific Hub. Cherie engages with the Pacific cyber community and stakeholders in the region to identify key priorities and issues in cyber capacity building initiatives in the region. Empowering Pacific cyber communities, ensuring whole of government, whole of community approach avoiding duplication of efforts while enabling regional coordination and collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and experiences for a Pacific focused, Pacific sensitive, Pacific way of doing things

Cherie entered the ICANN ecosystem as a At-Large representative for Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO)at ICANN 60 in Abu Dhabi.

ICANN Fellowship Awards:

Other ICANN Meetings attended:

  • APRALO GA 2017
  • APRALO GA 2023

Cherie is involved in the following ICANN working Groups: