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From ICANNWiki
Type: idn brand tld
Script: Chinese (Hant/Traditional)
English version: Traders Hotel(s)
Punycode: xn--hxt035cmppuel
Registry: Verisign
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.盛貿飯店 was an IDN Brand TLD being proposed in ICANN's New gTLD Program. The applicant was Shangri-La International Hotel Management Limited.[1]

ICANN's String Similarity Panel deemed the string too similar to an application submitted by the same company, .盛贸饭店. The two TLDs from Shangri-La are thus in contention and only one can be recommended for implementation into the Root Zone by ICANN.[2]

.盛貿飯店 是一个国际化品牌顶级域名。该域名已被纳入ICANN的新通用顶级域名计划。申请人为香格里拉国际酒店管理有限公司。

ICANN的域名相似性审查组(String Similarity Panel)认为该域名与该公司申请的另一顶级域名【.盛贸饭店】过于相似。二者意思一致,不同之处仅仅是前者为繁体中文而后者为简体中文。因此在实际审核中,ICANN只能推荐其中一个通过审核。

The application was withdrawn in March 2013, prior to the release of Initial Evaluation results, when the applicant still qualified for a 70% refund of its $185,000 application fee.[3]


Application Details[edit | edit source]

Excerpted from Applicant Response to question #18 in TLD application:

"The new .盛貿飯店 gTLD (“tradershotels” in traditional Chinese) will operate as a restricted registry, in which Shangri-La International Hotel Management Limited (Shangri-La International) can create and control domain spaces within .盛貿飯店 that promote its Traders Hotels brand. In this regard, the .盛貿飯店 will be used by Shangri-La International to provide information, services and resources regarding Traders Hotels to consumers in a way that promotes trust, confidence and convenience. The .盛貿飯店 gTLD will provide an authoritative internet space for Shangri-La International, its affiliates and partners that are associated with the Traders Hotels brand. Second and third level domains can then be utilised for localised booking services and for communication and marketing purposes, with internet users assured of brand authenticity.

Traders Hotels are a brand of hotels owned, operated and⁄or managed by Shangri-La International. Shangri-La International opened the first Traders Hotel in Beijing in 1989 and currently operates 13 Traders Hotels in 8 countries across Asia and the Middle East. This is expected to expand to 9 countries in the near future. Shangri-La International, trading as Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, is a global group that owns, operates and⁄or manages five-star hotels and resorts across the world. Shangri-La International, established in 1984, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hong Kong-based Shangri-La Asia Limited (Shangri-La Asia). Shangri-La Asia, listed on the Hong Kong and Singapore Stock Exchanges and traded as American Depositary Receipts (ADR) in the US, had revenue in 2010 of nearly USD1.6 billion and a market capitalisation of approximately USD42 billion. Shangri-La Asia has over 33,000 employees and around 30,000 guest rooms across its suite of hotels. The Traders Hotels brand offers a vibrant yet professional environment which caters to more value-conscious, savvy business travellers. In this regard, consumer trust, continuous innovation and protection of the Traders Hotels brand are paramount considerations in all its activities. The new .盛貿飯店 gTLD will promote the Traders Hotels brand in Chinese speaking countries and maintain Shangri-La International’s strong online presence. These objectives will be further complemented by Shangri-La International’s separate applications for the .tradershotels and .盛贸饭店 (“tradershotels” in simplified Chinese)."[4]

申请细节[edit | edit source]


香格里拉国际酒店管理有限公司于1989年在北京建立首家盛贸饭店(Traders Hotel)。至今公司已在亚洲及中东地区的8个国家管理运行13家酒店。很快新酒店将在第9个国家开始运营。香格里拉国际酒店管理有限公司在全球拥有并运行管理各种5星级酒店及度假村。公司成立于1984年并为总部在香港的香格里拉亚洲有限公司全权所有。


References[edit | edit source]