.il is the ccTLD for Israel. It is managed by The Israel Internet Association (RA).[1]
Rules and Restrictions[edit | edit source]
ISOC-IL will not allocate Domain Names containing obscene words and names incorporating foul language; names that are injurious to public order or to public sensibilities, or names that otherwise do not comply with the laws of the State of Israel.[2]
Second-level Domains[edit | edit source]
Under the following second-level domains (SLDs), domain names will be allocated to any person or other legal entity:
- .co.il: primarily intended for entities operating for-profit;
- .org.il: primarily intended for non-profit entities.
Under the following SLDs, Domain Names will be allocated on the third or fourth level (depending on the SLD) to the following entities only:
- .net.il: Internet Service Providers (ISP) holding a valid license from the Israeli Ministry of Communications that govern the provision of a service;
- .ac.il: Academic institutions of higher education that have been recognized as such by the Israel Council for Higher Education ("MALAG"). Under this SLD, only Domain Names authorized by MALAG will be allocated;
- .gov.il: Governmental entities of the State of Israel;
- .idf.il: Israel Defense Forces entities. Under this SLD, only Domain Names authorized by the IDF Central Computing Facility ("MAMRAM") will be allocated;
- .muni.il: for municipal and local government authorities.[2]
Characters[edit | edit source]
For Latin Domain Names, the following requirements must be met:
- the Domain Name can only be comprised of Latin alphabet characters (Latin small letter "a" to Latin small letter "z"), digits (digit "0" to digit "9") and Hyphen (the hyphen-minus character "-");
- the Domain Name must be between 3 and 63 characters long;
- it must not begin or end with a hyphen ("-");
- it must not contain two consecutive hyphens ("--");
For Hebrew Domain Names, the following requirements must be met:
- the Domain Name can only be comprised of Hebrew alphabet characters (Hebrew letter Aleph "א" to the Hebrew letter Tav "ת", including
final forms), digits (digit "0" to digit "9") and Hyphen (the hyphen-minus character "-");
- a Hebrew Domain Name must be no longer than 63 characters when represented in the standard A-Label Form, and no shorter than 2 characters long when in the U-Label Form;
- a Hebrew Domain Name must not start with a digit;
- it must not begin or end with a hyphen ("-");
- it must not contain two consecutive hyphens ("--"), except in the standard A-Label form.[2]
References[edit | edit source]
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