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.kh is the ccTLD for Cambodia. The letters "kh" were given after the majority ethnic group of Cambodia, the Khmer people. It is managed by the Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia (TRC).[1]

Delegation History[edit | edit source]

The delegation history of the .kh domain traces back to its introduction on February 20, 1996. Initially, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications of Cambodia managed the administration of .kh from 1997 onward. In September 2012, the responsibility for administering the .kh domain was transferred to the Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia (TRC), which currently oversees the domain's registration and regulation processes[2].

Rules and Restrictions[edit | edit source]

The .kh domain is specifically intended for use by entities with a connection to Cambodia, such as Cambodian-registered companies, government agencies, organizations, and citizens, who are the only eligible registrants.

To register directly under .kh, one must provide a Certified copy of Khmer national ID. This domain format is intended for business and personal websites.[3]

Second-level Domains[edit | edit source]

  • .com.kh: for commercial enterprises, state-owned enterprises and companies websites;
  • .net.kh: for business and network provider websites;
  • .org.kh: for organizations, associations or trade unions websites;
  • .edu.kh: for education websites.
  • .gov.kh: for Cambodian government departments and agencies.
  • .mil.kh: for military institutions within Cambodia.
  • .per.kh: for personal names of Cambodian.

All of them require a series of documents to be sent along with the application, which can be seen on their official website.[3]

References[edit | edit source]