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Type: idn, community gtld brand tld
Status: Proposed
Script: Chinese (Hans/Simplified)
English version: "Volkswagen"
Punycode: xn--3oq18vl8pn36a
Registry: Afilias
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.大众汽车 is an IDN Community TLD being proposed in ICANN's New gTLD Program. The applicant is Volkswagen (China) Investment Co., Ltd.,[1] and the Hans Chinese IDN is a translation of its "Volkswagen" name. It will be a Closed TLD. The community is defined as its Chinese car manufacturing and sales departments and affiliates, which have been active in China for almost 30 years.[2]

.大众汽车 是一个国际化社区顶级域名。该域名已被纳入ICANN的新通用顶级域名计划。申请人为大众汽车(中国)投资有限公司。 【.大众汽车】将是一个封闭性的顶级域名。该域名下的‘社区’包括大众公司在中国的汽车生产及销售部门以及公司相关机构。大众中国已在中国活跃了近30年。

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Reveal Day 13 June 2012 – New gTLD Applied-For Strings
  2. Application 1-1824-64001. Retrieved 23 November 2012