ICANNWiki:ICANNWiki Development
This meta space for ICANNWiki Development is aimed at coordinating tasks between different developers and contributors. It is not intended to be directly edited by the broader public, but all users are encouraged to follow it and provide input to the plans laid out here.
Backend development[edit | edit source]
Task | Description | Status | Owner |
PNG scaling transparency issues | Happens both in VipsScaler and ImageMagick. Relevant information: [1] | Ongoing | User:MarkAHershberger & User:MarkWD |
Scope the current usage and need of Extension:Google Analytics Integration | We have this extension on but it is unclear if we are using it properly in a way that advances our SEO, or even if it is hindering it. [2] | Not started | User:MarkAHershberger |
Generate sitemap | Currently our sitemap does not get picked up. Solution: [3] | Not started | User:MarkAHershberger |
Complete revision of templates | Now that Template:TLD has been fully migrated to Lua and a series of helper/library modules have been coded for the purpose of the wiki, the other active templates should be brought to this new stadard. They are: Template:Actor, Template:CompanyInfo, Template:Conference, Template:Country, Template:Event, Template:Event/IGF, Template:ICANNMeetings, Template:ICANN CEO, Template:ICANN Working Group, |
Not started | User:MarkWD |
Hubs and semantics project: Implementation | A) Create the semantic structure for the transition of the data; B) Start with Countries, currently broken (#cargo_store) from the former Cargo implementation, and transform these pages into hubs that gather the country's ccTLD, IG events, source materials, nationals, and so on; C) Create a world map correlating with ccTLD articles, which could be done the traditional way with [4]
Resources: 1) Cargo; 2) SMW; 3) DPL3; 4) [5] Example: [6] |
Not started | User:MarkWD |
Look into search bar behavior on reduced desktop viewport | Overlaps with logo under certain situations. | Not started | User:MarkWD |
IANA ID on Registry and Registrar templates + Registry backend data + final automations where possible | Find solutions that are as dynamic as possible. | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Scope where Extension:CategoryTree is useful | And implement. | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Enhancements to the custom search box | Understand if it can be augmented with [7] and [8] | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Verify if gadgets are properly set up and functional |
Not started | User:MarkWD |
Verify where External Data may be useful | [9] | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Ribbons to differentiate ICANN and IG articles | For visual reference | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Rework the Chart extension | [10] This was handled by the "Graphs" extension. | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Develop a "Policy timeline" module | For chronicling the evolution of policies, possibly involving the Chart extension [11]. | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Scope the implementation of Extension:OpenID Connect | [12] | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Represent article completion within a template | To assess progress at a glance. As seen in: [13] | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Dynamic navigation without reloading via breadcrumbs | As seen in: [14] | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Find ways to better represent pages with a leading lowercase on ICANNWiki | Beyond Template:LowercaseTitle. | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Further scope animated backgrounds | As seen in: [15] | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Reimplement Extension:UniversalLanguageSelector | Bring back and extensively test UniversalLanguageSelector when the wiki's redesign is fully finalized. | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Display a random card from ICANNWiki decks within a box | To make good use of our cards, we could display a random card at the portal towards one of the top corners, dynamically changing it with every user visit. How to execute this is unclear and will require scoping. | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Revision of templates: People (now Person) | Functional, scalable, responsive, uniform, coded in Lua; Template:Person. | ONGOING | User:MarkWD |
Troubleshoot and finish implementing Gadget-refToolbar | Has trouble running remotely at the moment. | ONGOING | User:MarkWD |
Code a local version of PageNotice | https://icannwiki.org/Module:NoticesList | ONGOING | User:MarkWD |
Implement Extension:TemplateData | Extension:Page Schemas and [16] | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Further redesign the main page for 2025 | 1) Incorporate 2025 priorities and design goals, highlighting our unique content; 2) Reduce margin at the top. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Mobile: Add resgistration link and/or button | Add resgistration link to Minerva Neue/mobile within the necessary contexts, as right now there is no direct way to register an account other than the direct links on the textual introduction; SOLUTION: Implemented via JS. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Revision of templates: TLD | Functional, scalable, responsive, uniform, coded in Lua; Template:TLD. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Customize left-hand and right-hand bars | Left-hand via MediaWiki:Sidebar, right-hand via CSS IDs. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Rebuild Sponsorship page | Sponsorship Options Needs to be retooled to work with mobile and be updated to current projects goals. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Trace and solve MX issues | Our MX bounces many times before landing on people's inboxes, by which time sometimes the authentication link has gone stale (10 minutes plus). Likely misconfigured from before the 1.43 update because the behavior was there in the past. | DONE | User:MarkAHershberger |
Framework to make Templates compatible with Visual Editing | Properly implement and integrate with the new Lua template paradigm the "templatedata" JSON. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Reengineering of templates | Templates currently exist as unconnected instances that each follow their own rules. By using Lua and reengineering the templates, we can have them become cohesive. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Control generation of phantom paragraph tags | SOLUTION: Wikimedia is really sensitive about line breaks and converting those into paragraphs, particularly in more recent versions. Whenever HTML is involved in some way, extreme care needs to be taken. See: [17] and [18]. | DONE | User:MarkWD & User:MarkAHershberger |
Disable or fix Extension:TitleBlacklist & Admin Links | Currently we do not resolve "MediaWiki:Titleblacklist"; the Admin links action does not appear in the current theme. If the fix is easy, great. If it's not, we can disable them. SOLUTION: Disabled. | DONE | User:MarkAHershberger |
Solve Vector 2022 duplication of TOCs on sidebar and article body | Default behavior should be just sidebar. SOLUTION: Incompatibility with Lingo extension, fix implemented directly on the skin's CSS: [19] | DONE | User:MarkWD & User:MarkAHershberger |
Force users into Vector (2022) and Minerva Neue | It's impossible to do maintenance for so many skins. We need to funnel users into the modern ones.
DONE | User:MarkAHershberger |
Logo display on 1.43 | Since 1.43, logo behavior has not been consistent. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Lingo extension: Disable the word when within the article that defines the concept + Disable it on certain Namespaces | SOLUTION: Added custom JS to Common.js. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Mobile: Top menu reactivity | Top meu does not scale correctly on mobile, need make it more compact and have an alternate mode. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Lingo extension: Plurals | Many solutions were tried with JS to incorporate plurals into Lingo definitions, but the extension seems built to refuse this behavior. The solution for now is to manually list the plural versions in "Terminology" where applicable. An issue was raised on the extension's official Talk page: Ticket. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Create Lua modules to handle date normalization and centrally manage social media links securely | SOLUTION: Module:DateNormalization and Module:SocialMedia | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Lua implementation | The wiki is largely hard-coded, requiring a migration to a more modern paradigm with Lua; SOLUTION: See Template:Lua. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Rethink and fix nTLDStats data integration | Ensure that integration only happens in supported domains. SOLUTION: Addressed using Lua. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Fix "CiteThisPage" extension | Remove inwiki links to reference styles or make the links outbound. SOLUTION: Forcible redlink removal using .mw-specialCiteThisPage-styles a.new | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Implement Extension:PageNotice where appropriate | Result: For now incorporated for the "Meta" box for project work links. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Analyze Extension:UniversalLanguageSelector and Extension:Translate | These were disabled for now in order to reduce the number of possible points of failure. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Add Extension:Popups | This extension allows for Reference Previews to operate, which will enhance the wiki's organization. | DONE | User:MarkAHershberger |
Add licenses to the file uploader | Our file uploader currently doesn't have any licenses in its combo box for users to choose, which is problematic. See MediaWiki:Licenses. (Copied from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Licenses) | DONE | User:MarkAHershberger |
Fix Visual Editing | Ceased to work after upgrade to 1.43. (The lib/ve submodule for VE wasn't checked out. Also enabled on the NS_PROJECT NS so it can be used here.) | DONE | User:MarkAHershberger |
Fix "HotCat" extension error | Using "HotCat" to categorize a page from its bottom bar consistently throws the user to an edit page containing "It appears that your browser does not support Unicode. It is required to edit pages, so your edit was not saved." However, it does work otherwise, so it's probably an exception that needs to be caught. | DONE | User:MarkAHershberger |
Update backend to latest MediaWiki version | Get the wiki to latest long term support version in order to benefit from updated resources, such as new API calls, modernized skins, and bug fixes. | DONE | User:MarkAHershberger |
Improve metadata for external links to ICANNWiki | Currently the wiki does not feature rich metadata, and when linked from the outside, it produces only an ICANN logo. Solvable with: [20]. | DONE | User:MarkWD & User:MarkAHershberger |
Add dark theme | Dark mode is a modern option preferred by many tech workers. It is now fully implemented in a series of ways, though not directly in Vector. We should implement it as a toggle in the wiki's top bar. We just need to choose one of the four approaches available: Manual:Dark_mode | DONE | User:MarkAHershberger & User:MarkWD |
Remove deprecated "Badge" link from "mw-head" | Apparently only removable from the PHP side. | DONE | User:MarkAHershberger |
Check and fix Common.js | The calls being made seem to be problematic and outdated to some degree. | DONE | User:MarkWD & User:MarkAHershberger |
Implement "Lingo" extension | "Lingo" is a stable and well-maintained extension that enables word definition on hover for admin-defined terms on all pages. For a heavy acronym space like ICANN, this is much more desirable than forcing users to open multiple tabs to be able to read an article. Available at: [21] | DONE | User:MarkAHershberger |
Align mobile and desktop CSS | Make them similar even if not the same. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Re-code Sponsors template | The current template has a hard-coded implementation that doesn't scale correctly. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Remove "Mailing List" from sidebar | The mailing list doesn't exist anymore and leads to a 404. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Extensions for removal | Collection, Poem | DONE | User:MarkAHershberger |
Extend user session login | Accounts get logged out even upon electing to keep the session logged in. This limits user engagement and should be fixed. | DONE | User:MarkAHershberger |
Reconfigure or remove Extension:MobileFrontend | This extension doesn't appear to have a front-facing configuration page at the moment, meaning that it hijacks the mobile layout to a pretty barebones one. | DONE | User:MarkAHershberger & User:MarkWD |
Enable in-wiki playback of audio and video files | EmbedVideo documentation and testing. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Fix main page for mobile view | Main page overflows incorrectly due to hard coding. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Extension:Popups | Even with the setting "Enable reference previews (get quick previews of a reference while reading a page)" turned on from Settings, it still doesn't work. SOLUTION: Disabled for now. | DONE | User:MarkAHershberger |
Extension:CodeMirror | REVERTED | User:MarkAHershberger |
Content development[edit | edit source]
For existing documentation, see: ICANNWiki:Documentation.
Task | Description | Status | Owner |
Category migration | Category:Articles to be expanded -> Template:Articles needing attention &
Category:Major articles parallel with Wikipedia -> Category:General interest articles |
Not started | User:MarkWD |
Rescope Template:Major articles parallel with Wikipedia | Something better can be done with Template:Major articles parallel with Wikipedia, steering it more towards valuing our unique content. Or the template can just be deleted. | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Update and refine the Toolset for content analysis | To reflect the latest Mediawiki version and much greater system stability. | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Create and populate the articles of each individual major IG meeting | These includes all ICANN, IGF, WSIS and other large-scale meetings where decisions are taken or major documents published. | Paused | User:Christiane |
Go through Category:Loose initiatives and find a destination for those articles | With the accumulation of 20 years of initiatives, it is necessary to carry out archival, deduplication, and find what is still otherwise useful. Category:Loose initiatives | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Create "Curated page" template | We need a template to indicate protected pages that are only editable by admins due to content curation reasons. | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Clarify protection policies | Inspired by Wikipedia: [22] | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Study and categorize our existing Namespaces | Help:Namespaces | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Validate and replace reference links for WebArchive permanent versions | As time goes by, reference links become dead and we lose track of their validation of information presented on the wiki. An effort needs to be carried out to replace these references with more permanent versions or even host local copies. | Not started | User:MarkWD & User:Christiane |
Permanent copies of Internet Governance documentation: Internet & Digital Governance Library | ICANNWiki should aim to become a neutral repository of documents that inform Internet Governance history, including PDFs, images, mailing list excerpts, and so on. | Not started | User:MarkWD & User:Christiane |
Create a calendar of Internet Governance events | Providing rich context based on our wiki. Simple example: [23] | Not started | User:MarkWD |
Evaluate and organize categories | An excess of categories has proliferated over the years, many irrelevant or orphaned. The wiki needs to be organized in this area in order to increase its relevance. | Not started | User:Christiane & User:MarkWD |
Unify and consolidate all terminology-related articles | Terminology, ICANN Terms, ICANN Community, potentially others. | ONGOING | User:MarkWD |
ICANNWiki feature documentation | All outstanding feature documentation needs to be consolidated to ICANNWiki:Documentation. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Logo for 20th anniversary (2025) | The proportions of the current logo are arbitrary and make it difficult to integrate into layouts that expect wide or square aspects. A study needs to be carried out to define potential modernized looks. | ONGOING | User:MarkWD & User:Ray |
Migrate Category:TLD to Category:GTLD and direct outstanding articles | As we have a fully formed ccTLD category, TLD needs to be repurposed for what it actually is, which is a list of gTLDs. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Create an ICANNWiki article on Wikipedia + add it to the "List of wikis" article | Ironically, the Wikipedia article on ICANNWiki is a redirect to the Ray King page. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Create our version of Template:About and Template:OtherUses | [24]. SOLUTION: Template:OtherUses | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Individualization of ccTLD pages | There is great inconsistency in how ccTLDs are represented, some by their TLD, while others are just redirects to their managers. Each ccTLD should have an article standing by itself. | DONE | User:Christiane |
Organization and population of all ISOC chapter articles | Make it so that all of them are organized following the same normalization and parameters. | DONE | User:Christiane |
Standardization and documentation of ICANNWiki practices | The wiki does not have consistency over nomenclatures, formats, and presentation. This includes acronyms, redirects, article structure, and so on. | DONE | User:Christiane & User:MarkWD |
Content plan: Phase 1 | Content plan to steer the community in a clear direction based on the identified needs of the wiki. | DONE | User:Christiane & User:MarkWD |
Implement templates for special article states | DONE | User:MarkWD | |
Redesign main page | Redefine the purpose of the main page and ensure that it reflects the goals of the content plan. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
Toolset for content analysis | Set of Python tools to enable better understanding of the wiki's structure, existing content, gaps, and other useful metrics. | DONE | User:MarkWD |
ICANNWiki: Content Guide | Documentation | Development Categories: Articles needing attention | Candidates for deletion Projects: Internet & Digital Governance Library