Abdeali Saherwala
Organization: | Abdeali Saherwala |
Affiliation: | NextGen@ICANN |
Region: | North America |
Country: | canada |
Email: | abdeali.saherwala@gmail.com |
Website: | |
LinkedIn: | ![]() |
Career History
Relevant Experience
Board Member September 2019 – Present
President Sustainability Council, York University
· Development of frameworks for sustainable initiatives throughout York University campus related to the installation of dual flush models, aerators for bathroom faucets, and conducting leakage assessments on water pipes throughout the campus.
· Assisted with creation of mandates, policies and funding models for the installation of solar panels in different areas of York University such as the rooftop of Scott Library.
· Built relationships with different stakeholders in order to divest from fossil fuels and place investments in green companies.
Student Researcher September 2019 – Present
Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)-Energy Storage Technology (NEST) Network
· Compiled research related to the electric vehicle battery, photovoltaic battery, and lithium ion batteries. Conducted literature reviews on the recycling and upcycling of electric vehicle battery, and photovoltaic battery.
· Conducted lifecycle assessments of electrical vehicle battery, and photovoltaic battery.
· Researched policies related to recycling and upcycling of electrical vehicle battey, and photovoltaic battery across the world
· Created a report containing policy proposals for the Canadian federal and provincial government on the possible recycling mechanisms of the electric vehicle battery, and photovoltaic battery.
· Research overseen by Dr. Mark Winfield.
Indigenous Law Researcher, Media Content Editor & Writer July 2018 – Present
Indigenous Environmental Justice (IEJ) Project, Osgoode Hall Law School
· Contributed to dozens of Canadian Supreme Court Justice Cases and Appeals related to Keystone XL Pipeline, and Trans Mountain Pipeline.
· Compiled information for 13 international, federal and provincial reports regarding environmental law, traditional knowledge, and urban management.
· Created research reports related to water quality, urban planning, disturbance of traditional or treaty lands through development, and resource extraction.
Staff Writer September 2016- May 2018
Excalibur Newspaper (York University’s Official Newspaper)
· Booked stories from my editors, planned those stories out, conducted interviews and wrote news stories related to York University, its achievements and its issues.
· Excalibur Newspaper publishes once a week with a paper and an online component to make it accessible for students.
· Please visit, https://excal.on.ca/search/abdeali to access my online publications.
Press, Media, Research, Communication & Engagement Intern April 2018 – June 2018
Sierra Club (Denver, USA)
· Organized and edited media personnel listing through Cision PR (formerly known as VOCUS PR). Created, edited and published press releases through Cision PR.
· Created political scorecards on multiple politicians from local, state and national level, who were running for re-election in Mthe idterm 2018 elections.
· Organized and reminded our supporters, volunteers, and donors to come to events or campaigns through Hustle (mass texting app). Engaged with our volunteers, supporters and donors through email blasts, email alerts and through personal inquiries.
· Conducted most of our press, media, communication, and engagement activities through Facebook and Twitter.
Community Involvement
Youth Council Member – Member of Parliament (MP) Jean Yip June 2018 - Present
Liberal Party of Canada • Parti Libéral du Canada
· Aided in the creation of five community events related to mental health, Indigenous affairs, conservation of urban parks, and increasing voter turnout. Campaigned, canvassed and knocked on hundreds of doors for the Liberal Party of Canada during the 2019 Federal Elections.
· Aided the Liberal Party in compiling and finalizing their campaign platform for 2019 Federal Elections.
Director – Faculty of Environmental Studies September 2019 – Present
York Federation of Students (YFS)
· Assisted York Federation of Students (YFS) in multiple events, campaigns and tabling sessions.
· Built and maintained lationship ascross faculties, colleges, governance systems a,nd administrative staff throughout York University on behalf of YFS.
· Voted on several proposals and measures conducted by York Federation of Students (YFS).
· Represented students on an academic level and sat on various faculty councils to give students a voice and keep the YFS connected to all students on campus.
Placement Intern January 2019 – April 2019
York Affordable Housing Committee (Regenesis)
· Aided Regenesis and other partner organizations in the referendum at York University to increase support provided to students via student organizations such as YUM Market.
· Aided Regenesis in writing and editing content such as memos, policy briefings, press releases, written announcements and reports. Conducted research on various stakeholders of Ythe ork Affordable Housing Committee and connected with various groups across Toronto and Greater Toronto Area, who could aid our organization in providing affordable housing to York University students.
Hot Water Return Systems/ Energy Conservation for ZERO Footprint Housing
Peel Region Placement Project November 2018- December 2018
· Assessed Peel Region’s hot water return system mandate improved on their existing mandate, and calculated the cost efficiency of installing a hot water system. Assessed the areas of reducing energy consumption in homes through the installment of hig- efficiency energy light bulbs, replacing household appliances, and adding insulation to reduce heating.
· Assessed the areas of reducing energy consumption in homes through the installment of high efficiency energy light bulbs, replacing household appliances, adding insulation to reduce heating and adding a triple glazed window to conserve heating in homes. Campaigned for all these changes through social media, events, and brochures.
· Overseen by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) through the Newcomer Youth Green Economy Project (NYGEP).
ICANN and Internet Governance Participation
York University Bachelor’s Degree Honours. Bachelors of Environmental Studies Specialization: Urban & Regional Environments Grade: 3.8/4 Dates Attended: September 2016 – May 2020 Expected Date: May 2020
Areas of Knowledge: • Environmental Management • Environmental Policy • Resource extraction/ conservation • Conservation of ecological spaces • Forced Migration • Eco-feminism • Urban Planning • Mitigating/Adapting to Climate Change Certificate
Refugee & Migration Studies
York University
This certificate allows you to explore refugee and migration issues in an interdisciplinary, environmental studies context. Working with internationally recognized professors from a wide range of academic disciplines, you can enhance your studies by working with leading refugee organizations such as Amnesty International.
Certification, Urban Ecologies
York University
The Urban Ecologies (UE) Certificate program is an interdisciplinary program designed to help you learn how the many conflicts between the natural and urban environments emerge, is represented and can be addressed. The program emphasizes urban ecology as an innovative and interactive approach to critically study urban landscapes, places, sites and ecologies.
LEED Green Associate
Issuing Authority: U.S. Green Building Council
License Issued: July 2019
License Expired: July 2021
Credential Identifier: 11318298-GREEN-ASSOCIATE
Experiential Education Student Experience (Abdeali Saherwala)
Whether in the classroom, out in the community, or at work, York offers Experiential Education opportunities in a wide variety of environments. EE opportunities exist across many of York's programs, designed to fit every learning style.
Thank You Certificate September 2018
Issued by UNICEF Canada
This certificate is a Thank You Certificate for my volunteering in UNICEF at York University from UNICEF Canada.
Danny Ciraco September 2017
Issued by MacMedia Magazine
Best News Editor of 2017-2018 in MacMedia Magazine
Dean Honour Roll (Received it every semester)
Issued by York University Canada
Dean's Honour Roll - Recognizes a student's academic achievements in a given session based on the following standing: Students enrolled in 18 credits in a given session and achieved a sessional GPA of 7.50 (out of 9.00).
Dr. James Wu Prize for Best Honours Thesis Project June 2018
Issued by York University
This award is given for the BEST Honours Thesis paper written by an undergraduate student. Also, I had created a poster, and I have won a GOLD certificate for it as well during the York University’s Undergraduate Fair. The paper in question is titled Pre/Post Japanese Internment Camps and it will be published in E-Journal Revue YOUR Review (York Online Undergraduate Research).
HSBC Bank Canada Environmental Studies Awards January 2019
Issued by Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University
The award is endowed to a third or fourth year Bachelor of Environmental Studies student at York University, who is selected on the basis of academic achievement, and community service.
Robert Tiffin Student Leadership Award July 2019
Issued by York University
The Robert Tiffin Student Leadership Award recognizes students whose leadership has contributed to the growth, development and vitality of York University.
LeaderShape Institute March 2018
Funded by: Student Community & Leadership Development (SCLD), York University
· SCLD selected a few applicants for an all-inclusive paid conference through LeaderShape Institute. It is was a six-day conference with intense dialogue and interactive self-discovery in a supportive learning community with York University peers. The LeaderShape Institute challenges participants to lead with integrity, while working towards a vision grounded in their deepest values. Participants explore not only what they want to do, but who they want to be.
Active Citizen 2018-2019 Conference November 2018
Funded by British Council & United Nations Association of Canada (UNAC)
· Through Active Citizen Conference, I attended a free, three-day workshop with a diverse group of change-makers in their community. We as a community built our networks and learned from our peers, experienced facilitators and local experts and community leaders from Canada and UK. Through these workshops, we boosted our leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainable development skills. While, expanding our networks, and learning how to take an entrepreneurial approach to solving their community’s most pressing challenges.
ICANN 66th Meeting (Montreal) November 2019
Funded by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
· Through ICANN, I attended a free, six day workshop and meeting sessions in Montreal with a diverse group of intellectuals, who were eager to solve issues currently plaguing the internet. We all participated in meetings, where we discussed multiple issues related to the internet such as 5G access, lack of broadband in the developing/developed world, fake news permeating in social media, and the threat of hacking into sensitive infrastructure such as nuclear powerplants. My area of expertise Is the permeation of fake news in social media and foreign influence in elections through social media. I presented a lecture on foreign influence in American Presidential Elections through social media in the ICANN 66th Meeting on behalf of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in Montreal.
Fall Liberty Seminar October 2019
Funded by Cato Institute
· Cato’s Fall Liberty Seminar is the premier student conference event of the year. Through political and philosophical discussions and forums with our scholars and staff, students with diverse backgrounds and education can develop further insight and understanding of the pillars of classical liberalism—individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace. Topics range from foreign policy, criminal justice reform, and constitutional law to immigration, welfare, and healthcare. Our goal? To bring together outstanding students, young professionals, and faculty from around the world who share a commitment to liberty and learning—and to provide participants the opportunity to create new and enduring friendships and perspectives in Washington DC. I presented a 50-minute lecture on mitigating climate change through environmental economics such as Carbon Tax in the Fall Liberty Seminar on behalf of Cato Institute in Washington DC.
Young Leaders Summit November 2019
Funded by Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA)
· The Young Leaders Summit: Transit for the Next Generation seeks to inspire a new generation leaders, users and advocates for transit towards a more sustainable and equitable future. The summit will be held in Calgary from November 8-10, 2019 and is a unique opportunity for young leaders aged 18-28 interested in public transit and sustainable transportation to learn, share ideas and connect with peers and industry professionals in transit and sustainable transportation. I presented a 30-minute lecture on increasing public transit through the addition of Light Rail Transit (LRT) systems in the Young Leaders Summit on behalf of Canadian Urban Transit Association in Calgary.
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