Ahmad Mukoshy

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AhmadMukoshy art.jpg
Organization: GigaLayer
Region: Africa
Country: Nigeria
Blog: http://mukoshy.com
Facebook: Facebook.png   Ahmad Mukoshy
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Ahmad Mukoshy
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @mukoshy

Ahmad Mukoshy is a web entrepreneur from Nigeria, building internet businesses across Africa. He is the Founder and CTO of GigaLayer, a multi-dimensional web hosting company in Nigeria.

Career History

Ahmad is a self-learned web developer and entrepreneur. While in college he built a social media network and an URL shortener that became the biggest URL shortener in Nigeria and the first of its kind in Africa. After his bachelor's degree in Sokoto, he took a job with ConnectNigeria as a senior developer. A few years later, Ahmad became the interim CTO of ConnectNigeria in 2012 - 2013, before resigning to build his web hosting company.


B.Sc Degree in Physics (Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto)