Ata Khalighi

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Country: Iran
Email: ata.khalighi [at]
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Ata Khalighi

Ata Khalighi has been the CEO and Member of the Board of Directors at PooyaSoft, a web-based application company, since June 2004. He is also Chairman of Eranico, an Iranian economics and business website.[1][2]

He spends most of his time developing web-based applications, managing teams, and developing new start-ups. Other roles he holds include that of Senior Consultant at the [[ITC], or Information Technology Organization of Iran, where he works with the IEFC, or ICT Empowerment and Facilitation Center. He has also been a Judge and Mentor at many sessions of Startup Weekend in Tehran, where he offers advice on Lean start-up practices, business model development, and team development methodologies.[2]

ICANN 54 in Dublin was his first ICANN Meeting, though he has also attended IGF and WSIS.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 ICANNWiki - ICANN 54 Dublin Intake Form. Retrieved 2015 November 4.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Ata Khalighi, Retrieved 2015 November 4.