Thomas Jalkanen

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Jalkanen dinasolveig.jpg
Thomas Covenant.jpg
Affiliation: GNSO, Other/Special Interest Group
Region: Europe
Country: Netherlands

LinkIcon.png   TechInc page

Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @NGC_3572

Dina Solveig Jalkanen is a member of NCUC, At-Large Technology task force, Universal Acceptance Steering Group, PDP-ret WG and Cross Community Committee on Accessibility, focusing on First Nations involvement.

Electronic Frontier Finland representative in NPOC since June 2018. In 2018-2019: NPOC Policy Committee Vice-Chair, European Regional At-Large Organization Individuals Association board member.

They are committed to promoting goodwill towards responsible disclosure of security vulnerabilities within the EU and Computer Fraud and Abuse Act reform.

Dina Solveig wrote their first Public Comment on Draft Framework for Registry Operators to Respond to Security Threats.

Earlier work includes GNSO-RDS-PDP-WG, PDP Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms in All gTLDs; URS practitioners review sub team in spring 2018.

Member of Electronic Frontier Foundation and Free Software Foundation Europe, Dina Solveig is contributing FOSS and digital rights perspective to ICANN. They are also member of CCC Amsterdam, Electronic Frontier Finland ry and Amsterdam hackerspace TechInc.

Personal[edit | edit source]

Dina Solveig Jalkanen holds a Master's degree from Helsinki University and Aalto University School of Business, where they studied computer science, mathematics, networking and English. In their free time they enjoy reading lengthy documentation and Terry Pratchett novels.

Jalkanen is a supporter of Canadian First Nations, especially youth involvement in technology and organizer of several hacker events, such as, RustFest and SHA2017. Board member of Information Security Association of Turku, Finland.

In 2018, Finnish national pre-meeting ITU working group and Finnish Internet Forum team. In fall 2018, part of Finnish national delegation to the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference.

More about Dina's interests can be found here.

ICANN community commonly refers to Dina Solveig as Thomas.