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ICANN Geographic Regions

From ICANNWiki

The ICANN Geographic Regions are: Africa (AF), Asia/Australia/Pacific (AP), Europe (EU), North America (NA), Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)[1].

Establishment[edit | edit source]

The regions were initially established in 2000 based on an ICANN Board resolution in 2000 that directed Staff to establish a system of geographical regions to ensure regional diversity in the composition of the ICANN Board. The assignments of countries to geographic regions was based on the United Nations Statistics Division's classifications of the time. The system was subsequently expanded in various ways to apply to various ICANN community structures, including the GNSO, ALAC and ccNSO[2].

Revision[edit | edit source]

The ccNSO raised issues regarding the assignment of territories to ICANN Geographic Regions and noted that any change to ICANN Geographic Regions could have widespread effect in ICANN. Subsequently, the ccNSO Council asked the ICANN Board to appoint a community-wide Working Group to review issues related to Geographic Regions[3]. According to a 2011 presentation by Dave Archbold[4]:

  • ccNSO sent report expressing concerns about ICANN Geographic Regions to the ICANN Board.
  • ICANN Board set up cross constituency working group.
  • Initial Report – How are Geographic Regions used within ICANN?
  • Interim Report – What are we trying to achieve when using Geographic Regions, and are we achieving these goals?
  • Final Report – Recommendations for improvements.

References[edit | edit source]