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Interim Policy Oversight Committee

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iPOC is the abbreviation for gTLD-MoU Interim Policy Oversight Committee, which was formed under the provisions of the gTLD-MoU.[1] The gTLD-MoU is the international framework with which policies for the enhancement and administration of the Internet’s generic Domain Name System (DNS) are developed.[2] The iPOC was established to oversee the Council of Registrars (CORE) and CORE-gTLDs, and to set policies for CORE and its Registrars in accordance with the gTLD-MoU. [3]

Members edit

The task of appointing members for this interim committee was handed over to the Internet Society (ISOC). ISOC was requested to appoint two people, one for one year and the other for a period of three years. The members selected by the ISOC were those who had fair amount of experience in Internet Technology and shared a global outlook.[4]

Term of members of iPOC edit

The regular tenure of the members of iPOC lasts for three years. However, initially the term of the members of iPOC was kept as follows:

Objective edit

The main objective of iPOC was to coordinate with the Executive Committee of the Council of Registrars (CORE) to see to it that all registrars operated in conjunction with the requirements set forth by the MoU and CORE-MoU.[4]

Power edit

The Policy Oversight Committee has been assigned with the following powers:

  • Approve the names of new gTLDs as well as change the number of gTLDs.
  • Change the number of registrars, but only after assuring that the global geographic distribution of registrars is not hampered.
  • Set new terms and conditions for applications by entities who desire to become registrars, which also includes provisions for CORE to set up and collect fees for registration or any other service that it may perform when required.
  • Recommend to the PAB amendments to MoU, which might include, but is not restricted to, changes in the composition of iPOC.
  • It can remove registrars who don’t operate consistently as per the requirements of the MoU and the CORE-MoU. However, iPOC can do this only after consulting the CORE and PAB.

Working edit

iPOC carries out all its responsibilities under the consultation of the gTLD-MoU Policy Advisory Body (PAB) and CORE. The iPOC follows only those norms and practices that serve a public trust function. It requires a minimum of 67% of votes to come to any decision and none of its decisions are taken unless it has a representation of a minimum of 67% of members.[4]

References edit