Ivor Sequeira

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Userboxcards.png Featured in the ICANN 41 - Singapore playing card deck

Userboxcards.png Featured in the ICANN 45 - Toronto playing card deck

Userboxcards.png Featured in the ICANN 47 - Durban playing card deck

Userboxcards.png Featured in the ICANN 48 - Buenos Aires playing card deck

Userboxcards.png Featured in the ICANN 49 - Singapore playing card deck

Ivor Sequeira has worked at Verisign since 2014. Previously, he was the Senior Director of Global Channel Management, Marketing, & Business Development at Neustar,[1] where he had worked since 2001.

Ivor Sequeira is also the Vice President of Registrar Support at Sentan Registry Services Inc. This was an extension of his work with Neustar, as it entered into a partnership with JPRS to create the joint venture, Sentan.[2]

Mr. Sequeira has over a decade of experience in the domain industry and has worked on both the registry and registrar sides of the industry.[3]


Ivor is responsible for managing Neustar's Partner and Registrar Channel; this involves building customer relationships, and managing the marketing, sales, development, and implementation of Neustar's TLD brands.[4] He maintains and builds registrar relationships at an international level, and works to implement new strategies and technologies to maximize the services he is able to offer his clients.[5]

He was listed as Neustar's contact for those interested in launching new gTLDs.[6]

Industry Participation

Mr. Sequeira was a member of the Exercise Planning Team, 2009 Joint ICANN-gTLD Registry Continuity Exercise.[7] He has also participated in the recent meetings of ICANN in Seoul, Sydney and, Paris.

Ivor Sequeira has participated in the debut edition of the Domainer Mardi Gras.[8]

He was a speaker at the 2009 Business Start-Up Show in London.[9]

Career History
