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Misha Halvarsson

From ICANNWiki
Country: USA


LinkedIn:    Misha Halvarsson

Misha Halvarsson is currently based in Seattle as the founder, and managing member, of DDm2; a consultancy group that helps emerging companies create, define and strengthen their brands. She specializes in intellectual property, domain management, portfolio management; and has worked with iCopywright and Coldwater Creek, Inc.[1] She is also currently an associate at Names@Work.[2]

Mish was one of 61 top IT individuals, companies, and organizations to write to ICANN in September, 2009, pushing for the immediate acceptance of new TLDs.[3]


Misha founded iCopywright in 1998, which produced the first online, instant clearinghouse to reprint, reuse, and distribute any web-based material. iCopywright has received numerous awards for its patent-pending technology, which has also become the leading licensing solution for the online publishing industry.[4]

She has also worked at South Asian Resources, Inc,, for 9 years.[5]
