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Raúl Echeberría

From ICANNWiki
Country: Uruguay
Email: raul [at] inia.org.uy


LinkedIn:    Raúl Echeberría
Twitter:    @raulecheberria
Featured in the ICANN 57 - Hyderabad playing card deck

Raúl Echeberría is Vice President of Global Engagement for the Internet Society.[1] Prior to his position, he served as the Executive Director of LACNIC from 2002-2014.[2] He was also previously the Chair of the Board of Trustees for ISOC; he has held this position since 2009.[3]

In April 2014 it was announced that Raúl would be leaving his post as Executive Director of LACNIC after 30 June 2014. He was one of the organization's founders and served on its Interim Board of Directors until he was appointed CEO.[4]

Mr. Echeberría was involved in early Internet development, having led the project to connect the first non-University based Internet network in Uruguay, and participating in the various meetings and discussions surrounding the International Forum on the White Paper. He has been involved in ICANN since its beginnings, especially its Non-Commercial Users Constituency.[5]

Other Industry Involvement[edit | edit source]

He has been the Computer and Telecommunication Advisor for Uruguay's National Institute of Agricultural Research. Mr. Echeberría has also worked as an Internet Consultant for the United Nations (1999), IDB (Interamerican Development Bank) (1995,1999), FAO(1996), IICA (Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación en Agricultura) (1996,1997,1998) and other International organizations.[6]

Raúl Echeberría has been extensively involved with ENRED, which is a Spanish consultancy founded in 1995 that addresses issues of social equality and the development of the information society.[7] He has acted as its alternate President (1998-), an Internet workshop Instructor (1997-2000), and the co-Chair of its Internet and Society Workshop, which has previously been sponsored by UNESCO. ENRED often collaborates with ISOC.[8]

He was Chairman of the Board of LACNIC from 2000 to 2002. He has participated in the World Summit on the Information Society, the Working Group on Internet Governance, and has twice been appointed to the Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group in the U.N.'s Internet Governance Forum.[9]

He was also a researcher for the NAIS Project at the University of Oxford from 2000-2001, and program Coordinator and ICT Policy Monitor for Latin America and the Caribbean at APC 2002.

Education[edit | edit source]

Raúl Echeberría has a degree in Computer Science from the University of the Republic of Uruguay and a Masters Degree in Information Technologies.

References[edit | edit source]