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Roberto Gaetano

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Country: Italy
Email: R.Gaetano [at] iaea.org
LinkedIn:    Roberto Gaetano
Formerly a member
of the ICANN Board

Formerly a member

Featured in the ICANN 53 - Buenos Aires playing card deck

Roberto Gaetano has been an active participant in the Internet and ICANN policy making process since 1997. As a representative of ETSI, he played important roles in the formation of CORE, the policy discussions around the U.S. Government's "White Paper" (International Forum on the White Paper), and the formation of ICANN's original Domain Name Supporting Organization (DNSO). He served as one of the first Chairs of the DNSO General Assembly and has focused his efforts in recent years to bring to life a constituency for individual users and registrants.[1]


Gaetano served 3 years as non-voting liaison to the ICANN Board by the ALAC. In 2006, he was selected by the NomCom to serve as a Board Member. His term ran from the end of the 2006 annual meeting through the conclusion of the ICANN Annual Meeting in 2009.[1] In September 2007, Gaetano advised that the Board Governance Committee recommended the return of Jose Luiz Ribeiro Filho as the academic and research representative to ICANN's Nominating Committee.[2]

Gaetano was elected to serve as Vice-Chairman of the ICANN Board in November 2008.[3][4]


Gaetano has almost 30 years of experience in information technology and telecommunications. He spent twelve years at IBM, in both the United States and Europe, and worked at the International Atomic Energy Agency, where is served as international civil servant for 13 years.[5] Gaetano was appointed to a three-year term on Public Interest Registry's Board of Directors in August 2013.[5]

Gaetano is fluent in five European languages.[1] In 2008, he was quoted by Pew Research Center as saying: "The 9-to-5 approach will disappear completely, with few exceptions. The current separation between 'work time' and 'free time' is a byproduct of the industrial revolution, and is bound to disappear with it. Whether this is positive or negative, I don't know, because the pressure of being 'always at work' just because you have the ability to be 'always connected' will be high. But we would need to build a new way of life that has to cope with this."[6]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Roberto Gaetano, ICANN. Retrieved November 9, 2015.
  2. Board Governance Committee's Recommendation regarding the Academic Representative to the next Nominating Committee (2007-09-11), ICANN. Retrieved November 9, 2015.
  3. Election of Board Vice-Chairman (2008-11-07), ICANN. Retrieved November 9, 2015.
  4. Net oversight agency names new chief (November 5, 2007), The Age. Retrieved November 9, 2015.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Internet Society Announces Appointment of Roberto Gaetano, Amitabh Singhal, and Erik Huizer to Public Interest Registry Board of Directors (August 28, 2013), Internet Society. Retrieved November 9, 2014.
  6. The Future of the Internet III: Scenario 8: The Evolving Concept of Time for Work, Leisure (December 14, 2008), Pew Research Center. Retrieved November 9, 2015.