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'''赞助类顶级域(sTLD)'''[[DNS|域名系统]] (DNS)中特殊的一类[[TLD|顶级域 ]](TLD)[[IANA|由互联网号码分配机构]](IANA)管理。sTLD拥有一个具有特定目的的'''赞助商'''。顶级域的赞助商可能从属于一个特定的种族社区、专业人士团体或地理位置。顶级域的赞助商负责建立政策,确保其运作的透明性和问责制,并且维护所赞助互联网社区的最大利益。
'''Sponsored Top level Domain (sTLD)''' is a special category of the [[TLD|top level domains]] (TLD)s in the [[DNS|Domain Name System]] (DNS) maintained by the [[IANA|Internet Assigned Numbers Authority]] (IANA). sTLDs has a '''sponsor''' for specific purposes. Top level domain sponsors may belong to a specific ethnic community, professional group, or geographical location.The sponsor of the TLD is responsible to develop of policies, ensure transparency and accountability in its operations, and maintain the best interest of the sponsored internet community.

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