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! Actions
! Actions
| Cell B
| Cell C
* Conduct training on challenges associated with DNS security and stability
* Conduct training on use of conventions and best practices to combat cybercrime, and DNS emergency response
* Identify and train on tools for assessing and reporting on the health of the DNS
* Identify and train on use of software, tools, and processes to plan and manage DNS
* Plan and conduct contingency exercises
* Train on relevant technologies, including [[DNSSEC]], [[RPKI]], and [[IPv6]]
* Adopt "train the trainer" model
* Increase number of root server instances
* Promote secondary DNS hosting
* Develop an IDN Label Generation Ruleset ([[LGR]]
* Participate in efforts related to registration data definition and validation to support Arabic script community
* Engage with technical community to address challenges related to use of IDN variants
* Partner with other stakeholders to conduct roadshows, workshops, and seminars on:
** Registry / Registrars model
** Dispute resolution policies and WHOIS
** New gTLD program
** Best practices of ccTLD operations, ASCII and IDNs
** Impact of domain name industry and promotion of online services
* Carry out a baseline survey and economic study on domain name industry
* Partner with governments and SME incubators and explore possibility of financing
* Guidance and support to accredited registrars from the region
* Address challenges facing potential registrars with regard to financial, legal and technical requirements
* Increase ICANN fellowship opportunities to the region
* Establish ICANN ambassador program
* Liaise with and support Internet governance mechanism (e.g. [[Arab IGF]])
* Organize outreach programs to stimulate participation in ICANN and Internet Governance fora
* Organize capacity building programs to simulate models for a multi-stakeholder policy development process
* Support the creation of remote hubs for ICANN meetings
* Train the trainers and help develop material that can be integrated in academic curricula
! Metrics
! Metrics
| Cell B
| Cell C
* • Number of awareness
and training activities
addressing DNS security
and stability for policy
makers and LEAs
• Number of awareness
and training activities
addressing DNS security
and stability for technical
• Number of trainers
trained on DNS security and stability aspects
• Number of trainings
conducted by previous
• Number of secondary
ccTLD hosting instances
in the region
• Increased number of root
server instances in the
• Arabic script LGR for the
• Report on Arabic script
ns for registration data
• Training and
dissemination material
related to security and
stability challenges and
recommendations in
using Arabic script IDNs
and publishing
registration data
| * • Increase in number of
ASCII ccTLD registrations
• Increase in number of
IDN ccTLD registrations
• Increase in number of
Arabic script IDN ccTLDs
• Increase in number of
registrations under new
gTLDs from the region
• Increase in number of
ccTLD registrars
• Increase in number of ICANN accredited
registrars from the
• Number of successful
new gTLD applications
from the region
• Number of registrants
per capita, compared to
other regions
• Number of domain
names per online
business (how many of
those domains registered
under ccTLDs and how
many under gTLDs)
|  Increase in ICANN
outreach to the region
• The number and nature
of stakeholder
representation of
participants in events in
the region
• The number and nature
of stakeholder
representation of
speakers in events in the
• The number and nature
of stakeholder
representation of
instructors in
building workshops in
the region
• The number of attendees
and frequency of
attendance at ICANN
meetings from the region
• The number of
individuals from the
region being granted
fellows to attend ICANN
• The number of new
regional members
joining ICANN SOs/ACs
• The number of
individuals nominated to
and selected by
NomCom, or elected
through their
constituencies to become
members of ICANN
Board and SO/AC
• More effective
participation from the
region in working groups
or other activities.
• Number of comments
received from the region
through ICANN public
comments process
• Increase in ICANN
presence in the region in
terms of staff,
ambassadors and/or
• Increase in participation
from the region in other
relevant fora


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