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The [[IGF|Internet Governance Forum (IGF)]] is one of the most successful outcomes of the United Nations World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) and brings together governments, civil society, the private sector and the technical community from around the globe to an informal setting, free from binding negotiations. The IGF functions through support from its participants and friends. In order to continue its growth and progression, it needs to have a robust and sustainable income stream.
The [[IGF|Internet Governance Forum (IGF)]] is one of the most successful outcomes of the United Nations World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) and brings together governments, civil society, the private sector and the technical community from around the globe to an informal setting, free from binding negotiations. The IGF functions through support from its participants and friends. In order to continue its growth and progression, it needs to have a robust and sustainable income stream.
The IGFSA is a channel for additional funding from individuals, companies and foundations to keep the IGF the go-to event for everyone who is interested in the Internet and its governance. The IGFSA was launched on September 1, 2014 at the ninth IGF meeting in Istanbul, Turkey.
The IGFSA supports the IGF and NRIs through individual and corporate memberships and donations. To donate, become a member, or learn more, visit
The IGFSA was launched on September 1, 2014 at the ninth IGF meeting in Istanbul, Turkey.The IGFSA is a channel for additional funding from individuals, companies and foundations to keep the IGF the go-to event for everyone who is interested in the Internet and its governance.
Recently, the IGFSA began to support National and Regional Initiatives (NRI) of the IGF, in addition to the IGF itself.
Recently, the IGFSA began to support National and Regional Initiatives (NRI) of the IGF, in addition to the IGF itself.
As of mid 2018, the IGFSA had supported 78 National IGFs and 34 Regional IGFs since 2015.
As of mid 2018, the IGFSA had supported 78 National IGFs and 34 Regional IGFs since 2015. The IGFSA has donated 260,000 USD to the IGF Trust Fund and 225,500 USD to the NRIs.
==Executive member==
Amrita Choudhury (chair)
Markus Kummer (chair emeritus)
Nigel Hickson (Treasurer)
Flavio Wagner,
Wisdom Donkor
As of mid 2018, the IGFSA has donated 260,000 USD to the IGF Trust Fund and 225,500 USD to the NRIs.
Anriette Esterhuysen
The IGFSA supports the IGF and NRIs through individual and corporate memberships and donations. To donate, become a member, or learn more, visit
Amado Espinosa
==Career History==
Fiona Asonga
==ICANN and Internet Governance Participation==
and from the Secretariat, Jennifer Chung and Phyo. A quorum was established for the meeting with six of the nine Executive Committee members taking part. Wim Degezelle was invited to join the meeting to present on the IGFSA Annual Report progress.
Congratulations to Joyce Chen (23.62%, 30 votes), Wisdom Donkor (19.69%, 25 votes), Nigel Hickson (24.41%, 31 votes), and Christoper Mondini (18.90%, 24 votes).
==ICANN and Internet Governance Participation==


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