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== Jaap Akkerhuis ==
== Jaap Akkerhuis ==
strangely, I see John Nevett's pic on this page? I think it might be because we used John as the demo data in the people template and Abyss may have copied that and then forgot to modify it ... [[User:Ray|Ray]]
strangely, I see John Nevett's pic on this page? I think it might be because we used John as the demo data in the people template and Abyss may have copied that and then forgot to modify it ... [[User:Ray|Ray]]
== SAAS Solutions ==
== SAAS Solutions ==
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There are several people who have there are articles on the site but because of incorrect names, they are not interlinked. Like in the first table it is Alizera Saleh, his correct name is [[Alireza Saleh]], Isak N. Jacobsen, has his article under [[Isak Jacobson]] and Leslet Cowley is actually [[Lesley Cowley]].  
There are several people who have there are articles on the site but because of incorrect names, they are not interlinked. Like in the first table it is Alizera Saleh, his correct name is [[Alireza Saleh]], Isak N. Jacobsen, has his article under [[Isak Jacobson]] and Leslet Cowley is actually [[Lesley Cowley]].  
Thanks [[User:Muhammad Ali Khalid|Muhammad Ali Khalid]] 01:40, 10 April 2011 (PDT)
Thanks [[User:Muhammad Ali Khalid|Muhammad Ali Khalid]] 01:40, 10 April 2011 (PDT)
== Forwarding Links on ==
[[User:Tehreem|Tehreem]] made a good point here about how missing forwarding links can cause new writers to do unnecessary work.  We should probably modify the work description and maybe also have someone go through the balance on again.  We can do this when we meet today. [[User:Ray|Ray]]
== new template ==
Cat, you might let other writers know about the spiffy new company template! [[User:Ray|Ray]]
: I figured you were probably ahead of me on that :)
== batch 1 edit ==
Hi Caterina,
we have edited some of the articles from batch 1 and have 9 remaining to be edited. You might have noticed that we have marked the ones edited. We will rework the [[URL]] article as you said it is unclear. For [[AFNIC]] you mentioned many sections are unclear. Can you please specify which sections needs to be reworked. Thanks, [[User:Saassoln|Saassoln]]
i dunno why i anticipated that image import to be more difficult than it was. thanks though.
== SAAS Solutions ==
Thanks!!! for editing [[AFNIC]]. We are making the corrections to the other articles. Sorry for the delay. We have added a line about spectrum in [[FCC]].
We have one doubt, you have grouped the approved edited articles at the top of the list. But some of the articles still have the under construction image in them. For example, [[ADR]] and [[IAHC]].[[User:Saassoln|Saassoln]]
== Checking Articles ==
Hi, I spoke to Ray that we will not include stubs in the articles of regular batches. So, I have changed my page a bit. I will put all the articles under the section "Working" while I am working on them. When I am done with the articles I will move them to section "Being Checked". When the editors check the articles, I will move the regular articles to a "batch" and the stubs to to the section "stub". I hope this is making sense. Let me know if you want to change it. Thanks [[User:Muhammad Ali Khalid|Muhammad Ali Khalid]]
== batch 1 edit ==
Hi Caterina,
We tried to make the strategic areas section in [[ETSI]] more clearer. The problem is that the source has only this much info on the three points. As you can see here []. The ETSI business plan link on this page which may have more info on the topics is password protected so we could not access it. We hope the edited part is clear enough. Thank you [[User:Saassoln|Saassoln]]
== Re:Quick Reminder ==
I have noted both the points, will be careful about them. [[User:Muhammad Ali Khalid|Muhammad Ali Khalid]]
== More Articles ==
Just wanted to inform you that I have completed some more articles, you can check them when you get time [[User:Muhammad Ali Khalid|Muhammad Ali Khalid]]
== errors in 3rd batch ==
I am back on the project and started working on the 4th batch.
I have started fixing errors in my previous batch as well. Hope to finish it by tomorrow.
Thanks - [[User:pulasthi]]
== Editor problems ==
Hi Caterina,
We are facing problems with the new editor (edit mode) used for posting articles. These problems did not appear in the earlier editor. If something can be done to solve these problems it will be helpful else you can discard this message.
# Most prevalent problem is the new line character which the editor discards once posted. And when we copy from other text editors such as word, all the content comes on one line discarding the new line characters. This creates problem because we have to format the document again after posting to take new paragraphs on the next line.
# other problem is when we copy a line the cursor moves out of the editor when it should be next to the line pasted.[[User:Saassoln|Saassoln]]
== rechecking ==
Can you please recheck the articles with which you marked issues previously. I put a '''fixed''' after the message, once I fix the issue that the editors mark. When you recheck the articles and find that they are good, please removed the entire message in front of it and just leave your signature, so that I can move them to the appropriate sections.
Thanks. [[User:Muhammad Ali Khalid|Muhammad Ali Khalid]] 11:04, 28 April 2011 (PDT)
== linking articles from old site ==
Hi Caterina,
As per the style guidelines given to all the writers we need to wipe the old pages from icannwiki.ORG and create links to the new icannwiki.COM. We tried to create one but it is not accepting the our current username and password for editing the article. please assist.
Regarding the company template. We did not know how to import the template so copied we copied it from your [[CENTR]] article. We used the template in [[NTIA]] and [[NSI]] in batch 2. Correct us if any mistake.
Also we are confused what category to assign to the articles. since we are writing glossary articles we are categorizing every article as glossary. Hope that is OK.
Please check the edited articles from batch 1 and tell us whether any further changes are required. [[User:Saassoln|Saassoln]]
Was going through your articles from SF to add ICANN Staff where appropriate, and I found that the photos are not working for the following people, unsure how to fix: [[Geoffrey Manne]], [[Maria Dangond]], [[Garret Murai]]. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
== dreyfus in sponsor box ==
links to the logo currently...
== SAAS Solutions ==
We apologize for the low activity. One of our lead writer was not well for 4 days; he is back now and will be starting the pending work. We have three articles written but were not posted. we will be posting them in a few moment. Sorry for the inconvenience. [[User:Saassoln|Saassoln]]
== SAAS Solutions ==
Hi Caterina,
We have encountered two acronyms that have more than one full form. We searched in the same acronym database used for batch 1:
Just want to confirm the following full forms of the two acronyms
OSC - Operations Steering Committee
POC - gTLD-MoU Policy Oversight Committee
Also is OARC (Operations, Analysis, & Research Center) the same as on this page
:OK Thanks
== Sponsor Template ==
Love how you do the transparent logos and how you balanced out the new ones!
== company Template ==
We used the same CompanyInfo template you specified the last time. We hope we are referring it right. here is the link and there are total 18 fields to be filled.
:OH YES!!! We copied from your Centr article at start. We will sweep through the previous posts and will correct the issue.
== Checking second batch ==
Hi Caterina and Andrew,
We have completed most of the articles from our second batch. We will complete the remaining ones in a week or two.  Can you please check the the ones completed and inform us if any changes are needed. Thank you. [[User:Saassoln|Saassoln]]
== Re: Batch2 ==
Hi Caterina,
Three of the topics do not have information on them. These are NCPH, PDEPDP, and STI-DT. We tried to find information on these topics but were not able to find any information. Other topics, except Alternate Root Server, have little information on them, we can write about 200 words on these topics. Is it alright if we do that? Thanks for your support. [[User:Saassoln|Saassoln]]
Why was the page for Functional SLD deleted? [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
== SAAS Solutions ==
We tried to write on [[NCPH]] but ended up writing only a few lines. Check the article and if it is not enough kindly replace with other topic. Also Please replace the '''PDEPDP''' and '''STI-DT''' articles. Thank you. [[User:Saassoln|Saassoln]]
Hi Caterina, No problem with the changes in the batch. Thanks! [[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
== Grouping similar references from the article ==
Hi Caterina,
We have noticed that you have removed the name attribute form the ref tags which resulted in same link being displayed multiple times in the reference section. For example, 5th and 6th reference in [[TMC]] is the same pdf link. We had grouped the two using "name" attribute in the "ref" tag. Example of its use can be seen in [[PDP-WT]] where 2nd link is used twice in the article.
Should we not group the same links in articles?
Thank you. [[User:Saassoln|Saassoln]]
Was there a particular theme for the spades that you put together?
== POC ==
One topic in our second batch [[POC]] is edited by MARIE. She just added the under construction image. Should we work on it or is it assigned to Marie? Also is the topic similar to [[iPOC ]] which we wrote in batch 1? Thank you. [[User:Saassoln|Saassoln]]
Dunno. It was created back in March, so it wasn't someone from ICANN Singapore... I don't know where I was going with this, but I'll either build the article or delete following some further research. He seems like a linguist, and is a former ICANN fellow.
Re: Spam, there was the two you marked as not being spammers that I had deleted. I deleted them after they created an account and did not use the account for an entire day, was there anything other than the fact that their names didn't follow the pattern of the other mass spammers to lead you to believe that they are not spammers? [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
== HEXONET User Talk ==
Hi Caterina,
Thanks for the note and explanation.  I was successful in updating HEXONET profile from your suggestions.  Thanks again and I will ensure our page is up to date every quarter.
Kind Regards,
The wording is wrong according to GNSO website  "PARTY" singular, not 'PARTIES'.....[[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
pshht. YOU'RE grammatically correct.
not trying to step on toes but I'm changing some things back. Like creating a blank link (as of now) to Constituency, I think there needs to be an article detailing the basic structure of the constituency in relationship to SG and WG, which also have their own pages. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
mmm. good point.
==SAAS Solutions==
Hi Caterina,
We have included company templates in the remaining articles from Batch 1. These are [[APRAM]], [[CAIP]], [[CIGREF]], [[DARPA]], [[ECTA]], [[ETNO]], [[EuroISPA]], [[INTA]], [[LACTLD]]. Please check them.
Also one article from first batch [[GPML]] is remaining to be edited. We have tried 2-3 times to edit it but were not able to add any considerable information. We will try once more and will inform you if we find any relevant content.
We suppose, everything from the second batch is done. Only one article is remaining to be checked by you. Please let us know if you need any addition in it.
Thank you. [[User:Saassoln|Saassoln]]
==SAAS Solutions==
Hi Caterina,
Thank you for the payment and assisting us in writing the articles. We are extremely sorry for the delay in completing the articles. Thank you for all your help.
Best Regards,
==ICANN Bodies==
Thanks for the Information. [[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
Hi Caterina, I just want to let you know that my articles are ready for editing. Thanks [[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
No worries, I can wait. Thank you so much for editing and for giving me another batch. Have a great time at the conference. Again, Thanks!!! :)[[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
== Batch 3 ==
Hi Caterina! Andrew told me that you might be checking my batch 3 so I just want to let you know that I am done with it and you can start checking. [[User:Tehreem|Tehreem]]
OK I can wait! Just send me an email when Andrew or you start checking it...
==E-mail Addresses==
Hi Caterina, Thank you for the reminder. [[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
Thank you very much for editing my articles :) [[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
Additional info. on [[dotAfrica]] has been added.[[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
Bonjour Caterina c'est avec un grand plaisir que j'ai lu le premier message suite à la publication de ma premiére page. Je voudrais savoir si vous avez un intérêt pour le protocole IPV6. Si oui je voudrais bien partager avec vous vos expériences car ici au Sénégal le protocole n'est pas encore trop connu du grand public. Merci infiniment
==New Articles==
Hi Caterina, I don't have a problem with the changes. It's easy to create pages. Just let me know which ones are the most important so I could prioritize writing the articles.[[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
Got it. Thanks! [[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
You see [ this?] [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
No problem :)[[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
==Matt Serlin==
Hi Caterina, I am taking [[Matt Serlin]] back on my list because Jonathan Robinson is duplicated, unless you want to provide me with a different topic. Thanks and Happy New Year!!! [[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
it seems resellerbazaar is supposed to be all one word lower case...(?) which is kind of frustrating given that we can't force a page to begin with a lowercase letter [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
cool, i was only looking at their website, and didn't notice a camelcase version.. also, there website is full of typos so it makes sense that they wouldn't be consistent.
failed link, not sure I can dig it up now, but apparently it was interesting. OH! it was that court claiming it had jurisdiction over ICANN, related to a UDRP case. I'll look for it again. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
== Batch 6--Ready for Editing ==
Hi Caterina, I just want to inform you that my articles are ready for editing. Thanks! [[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
I think it makes sense to leave a TOC in when there is info down the page re: new gTLDs. Really it doesn't get in the way despite aesthetic preferences and it doesn't hurt to highlight our new gTLD content as it is the most timely and relevant. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
== Batch 7 Ready for Editing ==
Hi Caterina, I just want to inform you that my articles are ready for editing. Thanks :) [[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
== Update on ICANN Articles ==
Hello there, many thanks for your feedback on the articles. I have written up to Article 15 in full at the minute, however i am looking to finish another 5 tonight which are partially complete. If i am honest i am struggling a little with the content as there is only one good source is the ICANN Website which shows the past meetings and agendas. for myself who knows little about ICann it is hard to make out what the topics on the agendas for the meetings are about. Take a look at the articles i have done like article 13 and tell me if you think this is a better article than article 5.
As always your feedback is appreciated.
Kind Regards
== Batch 8 Complete ==
Hi Caterina,
I just want to inform you that I am finished with my batch 8. If there are still work to be done, I'd be happy to take a new assignment. Thank you very much :) [[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
Yes I will do the updates asap. Sorry, I got back to you late. I had a very impt. errand today. [[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]
Okay, I will make the necessary changes.[[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]]


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