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Also, as I'm sure you've noticed, I've been checking up on how your doing with the articles. It looks good. I'm impressed with how quickly you became used to our style of formatting, our insistence on references, and your ability to write original material. I have been turning up more sources to use for your articles, take a look at these and try your best to include them in a meaningful way. You may have found these sources and not have known if they were important, that is one main reason to do this; the goal is that you will begin to recognize what is a useful reference. You are already good at this but I want to help your further. Thanks for all the hard work and be in touch! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Also, as I'm sure you've noticed, I've been checking up on how your doing with the articles. It looks good. I'm impressed with how quickly you became used to our style of formatting, our insistence on references, and your ability to write original material. I have been turning up more sources to use for your articles, take a look at these and try your best to include them in a meaningful way. You may have found these sources and not have known if they were important, that is one main reason to do this; the goal is that you will begin to recognize what is a useful reference. You are already good at this but I want to help your further. Thanks for all the hard work and be in touch! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
By the way, I'm finding these sources by searching google with the person's name in conjunction with their company name, and sometimes refining it further by entering their name with the word "internet" or "icann".
By the way, I'm finding these sources by searching google with the person's name in conjunction with their company name, and sometimes refining it further by entering their name with the word "internet" or "icann".
That's a great question about bullets vs. writing it out. It's nice to have a mixture of both, as it makes the article dynamic. I think it's important to have at least a few sentences in the intro explaining what they do now and other important information, usually the stuff most related to ICANN. Then if there is a bulleted section for past experience or kind of random stuff that doesn't fit well together that's fine. It's important to not rely too much on bullets and create VERY LONG lists, as those just get boring. That's why switching it up and using both full sentences and paragraphs and bullets works so well. If I find specific examples to draw your attention to I will. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]

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