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[ The Multistakeholder Advisory Group]</ref>
[ The Multistakeholder Advisory Group]</ref>
* Mr. Qusai Al Shatti- Deputy Chairman of Kuwait Information Technology Society
* Mr. David Appasamy-  Executive Vice President, Sify Technologies, India
* Ms.Christine Arida - Director of Telecom Planning and Services, National Telecom Regulatory Authority, Egypt
* Mr. Fouad Bajwa – Social Entrepreneur, Pakistan
Mr. Bayramov, Ayaz - Head Dept. of Intl. Relations &Cooperation with NGOs, Ministry of Comm. and Information Technologies, Azerbaijan
Ms.  Valeria Betancourt-Coordinator of the Communication and Information Policy Programme in Latin America, Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Ecuador
Mr. Jorge Cancio Meliá- Adviser-Deputy to the Director of Information Society Services, General Direction for the Development of the Information Society, Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade; Madrid
Ms. Olga del Carmen Cavalli- Adviser for Technology, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Argentina
Mr. Daniel Dardailler- Director of International Relations, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), France
Ms. Ndeye Maimouna Diop Diagne- Dir. of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and ICT, Senegal
Mr. Chris Disspain- CEO, AU Registry; Chair, Council of Country-Code Names Supporting Organization ([[ccNSO]]), Australia
Mr. Manuel B. Dengo-Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations Office at Geneva
Ms. Heather Dryden- Senior Advisor, International Telecommunications Policy and Coordination, Telecommunications Policy Branch, Canada
Mr. Raúl Echeberría, Executive Director/CEO, Latin America and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry ([[[LACNIC]]), Uruguay
Ms. Coura Fall-Fall, Senegal
Mr. Ondřej Filip, Chief Executive Officer of [[CZ.NIC]], Czech Republic
Mr. Sunday Folayan- Managing Director, SKANNET, Nigeria
Mr. Alvaro Galvani - Head, Division of Information Society, Ministry of External Relations, Brazil
Mr. Jean Yves Gatete-Secretary-General, Collectif National pour le Développement Humanitaire, Burundi
Mr. Bill Graham- Global Strategic Engagement, Internet Society (ISOC), Canada
Ms. Cathy Handley- Executive Director for Government Affairs/Public Policy, American Registry for Internet Numbers ([[ARIN]]), U.S.A.
Ms. Ayesha Hasan- Senior Policy Manager, E-Business, IT, and Telecoms, Executive in charge of ICT, France
Mr. Abdelaziz Hilali- Professor, Institut Supérieur des Télécommunications de Rabat; President, Internet Society Morocco
Ms. Jeanette Hofmann- Senior Researcher, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)/Social Science Research Center Berlin
Mr. Zahid U. Jamil-Senior Partner and Barrister-at-Law, Jamil and Jamil, Chairman Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre, Pakistan
Mr. Masanobu Katoh- President of the Law and Intellectual Property Unit and Security Export Control Headquarters, Fujitsu Limited, Japan
Mr. Michael Katundu- Assistant Director, Information Technology Communications Commission, Kenya
Mr. Nazmul Huda Khan- Secretary, Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology, Bangladesh
Mr. Igor Khimchenko-Deputy Dir. for Scientific, Technical & Strategy Development Dept., Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communication, Russia
Mr. Valdas Kišonas- Director, Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport & Communication, Lithuania
Mr. Stephen K.M. Lau-Adviser, HP Enterprise Services and President, Hong Kong Computer Society, Hong Kong
Mr. Frank March- Senior Specialist Advisor, Digital Development Energy & Communications Branch, Ministry of Economic Development,New Zealand
Mr. Cecil McCain- Director of Post and Telecommunications, Office of the Prime Minister, Jamaica
Mr. Sardjoeni Moedjiono- Senior Adviser to the Minister of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia for International Relations and Digital Divide
Ms. Freda Ruth Murray-Bruce- Senior Manager, Strategy & Monitoring, Nigerian Communications Commission, Nigeria
Ms. Nurani Nimpuno- Outreach & Communications, Netnod/Autonomica, Sweden
Dr. Viv Padayatchy- General Manager, Cybernaptics Limited, Mauritius
Mr. George Papadatos- Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations Office, Geneva, Switzerland
Mr. Paul Philippot Jean- President, European Broadcasting Union, EBU & CEO of Radio Télévision Belge de la Communauté Française (RTBF, Belgium
Ms. Y. J. Park- Senior Research Fellow, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Ms. Lorena Piñeiro- Head of International Affairs Department, Undersecretariate of Telecommunications, Chile
Ms. Natasha Primo- Coordinator, Association for Progressive Communications (APC) National ICT Policy Advocacy Initiative, South Africa
Mr. [[Quaynor, Nii]]- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Network Computer Systems; President, Internet Society of Ghana
Mr. Riehl, Frédéric- Deputy Director, Head of International Relations Service at the Federal Office of Communications, Switzerland
Ms. Katitza Rodriguez Pereda- International Rights Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation, United States
Mr. Peiman Seadat- Deputy Director for International Specialized Agencies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Iran
Ms. Graciela Selaimen- Executive Coordinator, Núcleo de Pesquisas, Estudos e Formação (NUPEF), Brazil
Mr. [[Charles Sha'ban]]- Executive Director, Regional Office, [[Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property]], Jordan
Mr. Ravi Shanker- Joint Secretary, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, India
Mr. Waudo Siganga- Chair Computer Society of Kenya
Mr. Juan Carlos Solines Moreno- Solines & Asociados Abogados, Partner; Professor of Technology & Law and Telecommunications Law, San Francisco de  Quito University (USFQ), Equador
Ms. [[Theresa Swinehart]]-Director, Global Internet Policy, Verizon Communications, USA
Mr. Zicai Tang- Deputy Director, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China
Ms. Emily Taylor- Consultant Oxford, UK
Ms.  Jennifer A. Warren- Vice President, Technology Policy & Regulation, Lockheed Martin Corporation, USA


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