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For example - today's humans are genetically identical to humans 300 years ago. But today humans can fly. Humans can communicate across the world. We can see 13 billion years almost back to the beginning of time itself. We can take the heart out of one person and put it into another. Yet we are genetically identical.
For example - today's humans are genetically identical to humans 300 years ago. But today humans can fly. Humans can communicate across the world. We can see 13 billion years almost back to the beginning of time itself. We can take the heart out of one person and put it into another. Yet we are genetically identical.
The difference is in our software.
The difference is in our software. When someone invents something we all share in that. Others can improve on it and we share in those improvements. The more we develop the more humanity improves itself. And the more effectively we can store and share information the faster our development accelerates.
Language was that start. Humans could tell each other things and the information was passed on. But when language started to be written then information could be stored externally to the minds and in a stable form that didn't suffer the distortions of human memory. Written language accelerated human software evolution.
Similarly radio. television, advances in transportation increased our ability to cooperate and communicate. Slave labor has now been replaced by machines. But when we invented the transistor we crossed yet another line because soon came logic circuits and the computer. (Yes, I know early computers predated transistors)
With the computer we could offload mental processes to machines. They could calculate far faster and more  accurately than humans, and had more accurate memory for data and could compare and manipulate it for us much faster.


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