Translations:New gTLD Program/25/en

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  1. Explanation – Is a reasonable explanation provided?
  2. Evidence that original submission was in error – Is there anything to indicate that the change merely corrects an error, as claimed?
  3. Other third parties affected – Does the change affect other third parties materially?
  4. Precedents – Is the change similar to others that have already been approved? Could the change lead others to request similar changes that could affect third parties or result in undesirable effects on the program?
  5. Fairness to applicants – Would allowing the change be construed as fair to the general community? Would disallowing the change be construed as unfair?
  6. Materiality – Would the change affect the evaluation score or require re-evaluation of some or all of the application? Would the change affect string contention or community priority consideration?
  7. Timing – Does the timing interfere with the evaluation process in some way?