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Profile abdeaitali.jpg

Abderrahman, almost always called Abdou, was born in Ait-Melloul (what a coincidence, same form as my family name Ait-Ali), a small town (it's becoming bigger now) in the Moroccan city of Agadir. In December 2016, I was selected to participate at NextGen@ICANN58 in Copenhagen. [1]

Where I lived

I have been living in three "different" countries: France, Sweden and Germany without counting my home country Morocco.

What some of my interests are

As the results of my past experience which was so far quite interesting, I have various interests spanning from science, mathematics, physics and philosophy to soccer, chess and travelling. Between this span, there are many hidden interests. For instance, a great interest in internet related issues and particularly issues dealing with governance and linguistic diversity.

Country: Morocco
Email: abde [at] kth [dot] se
Facebook: link=[1]   [[3] Abdeaitali]
LinkedIn: link=[2]   [[4] Abdeaitali]
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @abdeaitali

What I have studied

A mixture of Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Engineering for a Bachelor in Science. Computer Science and engineering for a Master degree and Applied Mathematics and Informatics for an Engineering degree.

What I currently study/work on

Transport Science with a specialization in Railway Operations Management for a Doctoral degree.

Some projects related to Internet governance and communication technologies.
