Mutegeki Cliff Agaba is a Digital Adoption Consultant. He works with individuals and companies in integrating digital tools and systems to streamline their work processes and achieve business objectives. His work involves selecting and implementing digital technologies, training employees, and monitoring their adoption to ensure success.
He works with customers to identify target audience training needs, deep dive and obtain an understanding of customer applications and processes to bring forth actionable insights and use cases to improve digital adoption. He also manages multiple projects and initiatives and helps develop standards and guidelines to ensure consistency in deliverables across projects. Furthermore, he collaborates with cross-functional teams to deliver innovative solutions and superior customer experiences for our client base. As a digital adoption consultant, he Consults, ideates, and, suggest suitable digital adoption solutions to drive application adoption and learning.
Most of his digital advocacy work is devoted to Digital literacy, Digital Trade, and Digital Rights. He is passionate about Connecting the unconnected to the internet and training people and companies in digital skills and competencies. He has intensive experience in internet policy and practice.
Mutegeki, the former vice president of the Internet Society Uganda Chapter where he also serve as the Uganda Chapter Advisory Council Representative. Before taking office in these roles, he was serving as the Secretary for special interest groups under ISOC Uganda Chapter and Chapter Training Coordinator for the 2020 Chapter Internet Society Chapter Training Program. He has been an active participant and organizer in the Internet Governance Forums for his Country Uganda. He has furthermore been a Chapter Elections Observer for the Internet Society Elections for Zimbabwe and Nigeria Chapter.
With ICANN, he is a member of the Universal Acceptance Working Group - Communications working group. He also served as a member of the AFRALO Operating Principles (Individual Membership) Working Group.
Mutegeki Cliff Agaba has so far organised and moderated 2 ICANN ReadOuts, ICANN 68 and ICANN 76