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===ICANN Specific References===
#DotConnectAfrica, <span class="plainlinks">[http://www.prlog.org/10916169-dotconnectafrica-lauched-its-official-africa-campaign-at-the-aitec-ict-summit.html,DotConnectAfrica spoke on way-forward on the contribution of the ".africa" name to an ICT enabled environment, and launched its "Yes to a .africa Campaign", at the AITEC ICT summit held in Nairobi, Kenya.html]</span>, Sep 11, 2010
#DotConnectAfrica, <span class="plainlinks">[http://www.prlog.org/10918770-dotconnectafrica-provides-keynote-address-for-aitec-east-africa-ict-summit.html, Ms.Sophia Bekele, provided a Keynote address for AITEC Summit during the opening panel discussions.html]</span>, Sep 11,2010
#DotConnectAfrica, <span class="plainlinks">[http://www.prlog.org/10603396-dotconnectafrica-registered-maximum-success-in-east-africa-as-the-voice-was-echoed-globally.html, DotConnectAfrica registered maximum success in East Africa as the voice was echoed globally.html]</span>, April 06, 2010
#Policy Development,<span class="plainlinks">[http://gnso.icann.org/issues/vertical-integration/soi-vi-pdp-wg-01apr10-en#bekele, Statement of Interest (SOI) Members of the Vertical Integration Policy Development Process Working Group]</span>, April, 01, 2010
#Public Forum announcement, <span class="plainlinks">[, African Union endorsment of ".Africa" and urging for ICANN to expedite process for TLDs]</span>,Nairobi, March,11,2010
#DotConnectAfrica, <span class="plainlinks">[http://www.dotconnectafrica.org, African Union endorsed the domain name ".Africa" to DotConnectAfrica org]</span>, Addis Ababa, February 18, 2010
#Policy Development,<span class="plainlinks">[https://st.icann.org/data/workspaces/icann-ppsc/attachments/pdp_team:20090319130415-1-29988/original/PDP%20Team%20SOI%20(19%20Mar%2009).pdf, Statement of Interest (SOI) for the Policy Development Process Steering Committee-Policy Development Team]</span>, March 19, 2009
#Internet Governance, <span class="plainlinks">[http://www.ggu.edu/events/display/retrieve_event.do?id=1080 Internet Governanace & Policy Divide]</span>, San Francisco, March 10, 2009
#Public Forum announcement, <span class="plainlinks">[https://par.icann.org/files/paris/Paris-ICANNPublicForum-25JUN08.txt Continuing interest in the work of ICANN, IDNs and DotAfrica]</span>, Paris, June 25, 2008
#Farewells, <span class="plainlinks">[ ICANN Meeting...and had a lot of respect for, Cary Karp from registries, Mawaki Chango, noncommercial, Ross Rader, registrar, and Sophia Bekele, the NomCom appointee...]</span>, ICANN Public Forum, Part 2 Thursday, 1 November 2007
#DotAfrica, <span class="plainlinks">[http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/domainname/jpacomments2007/jpacomment_069.pdf DotAfrica�s position on JPA -National Telecommunications and Information Administration]</span>, NITA, Los Angeles, California, Feb 2008<br>
#AfriICANN-discuss, <span class="plainlinks">[https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/africann/2007-November/000542.html A debate on dot.africa]</span>, Nov 2007<br>
#AfrICANN-discuss, <span class="plainlinks">[https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/africann/2007-October/000492.html DotConnectAfrica's initiation of DotAfrica)]</span>, Nov 2007<br>
#Aftld-Discuss [AfriICANN-discuss], <span class="plainlinks">[https://lists.afrinic.net/pipermail/africann/2007-October/000481.html Who is DotAfrica?]</span>, Nov 2007<br>
#ICANN IDN, <span class="plainlinks">[ GNSO Final report]</span>, Oct 2007<br>
#AfriICANN-Discuss, <span class="plainlinks">[http://lists.aftld.org/pipermail/aftld-discuss/2007-October/000183.html Dot Africa�s position on fast tracking of IDN ccTLD]</span>, Oct 2007<br>
#GNSO IDN, <span class="plainlinks">[http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dd884d5b_7fhsskb Comments in Response to the ccNSO-GAC Issues report on IDN Issues]</span>, Aug 2007<br>
#GNSO IDN, <span class="plainlinks">[ Outcome Report of the GNSO IDN Working group]</span>, Mar 2007<br>
#At-Large policy, <span class="plainlinks">[http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/pipermail/alac_atlarge-lists.icann.org/2007q1/000277.html Policy matters for conference call agenda]</span>, Mar 2007<br>
#AfriIcann, <span class="plainlinks">[http://www.icann.org/meetings/lisbon/agenda-forward-africa-28mar07.htm Going forward with ICANN- The African Region Perspective]</span>, Mar 2007<br>
#AfriICANN, <span class="plainlinks">[http://www.icann.org/meetings/lisbon/presentation-a-forward-africa-28mar07.pdf ICANN - GNSo Policy update - presentation to African Group by Sophia Bekele]</span>, Lisbon, Mar 2007<br>
#GNSO IDN, <span class="plainlinks">[ Outcome Report of the GNSO IDN WG]</span>, Mar 2007<br>
#GNSO IDN <span class="plainlinks">[http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/msg03256.html Regarding IDN Working Group membership issues]</span>, Mar 2007<br>
#ICANN IDN, <span class="plainlinks">[http://gnso.icann.org/meetings/transcript-IDN-wg2-23jan07.pdf IDN Working Group]</span>, Jan 2007<br>
#GNSO-IDN-WG, <span class="plainlinks">[http://forum.icann.org/lists/gnso-idn-wg/msg00036.html IDN Chair Nomination]</span>, Oct 2006<br>
#ICANNwiki, <span class="plainlinks">[http://icannwiki.org/Image:SophiaBekeleCaricature.jpg ICANNWiki Caricature]</span>, Wellington New Zealand, Mar 2006<br>
#DotConnectAfrica's Website,<span class="plainlinks">[http://dotafrica.blogspot.com/ dotconnectafrica.org - African's Map on Digital Inclusion]</span>, Mar 2006<br>
#GNSO IDN, <span class="plainlinks">[http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/msg02233.html On IDN dialog - a debate with John C. Klensin]</span>, Mar 2006<br>
#ICANN, <span class="plainlinks">[http://nomcom.icann.org/candidate-bios-2005.htm Nominating Committee | Biographical Information on the ...]</span>, Nov 2005<br>
#ICANN NomComm <span class="plainlinks">[http://www.icann.org/announcements/announcement-04nov05.htm ICANN | Nominating Committee Announces Final Selections for Key leadership positions...]</span>, Vancouver, Canada Nov 2005<br>
#ICANN, <span class="plainlinks">[http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0oGkxwCBcRHcw4A7X9XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE4OG40bDR0BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA0Y2NTVfODQEbANXUzE-/SIG=12amj0093/EXP=1204115074/**http%3a/gnso.icann.org/council/soi/bekele-statement.htm Sophia Bekele, Statement of Interest]</span>, Nov 2005<br>
==External Links==
==External Links==

Revision as of 17:29, 5 January 2012


link=sophiabekele.com Sophia's Blog   [sophiabekele.com
Sophia's Blog sophiabekele.com
Sophia's Blog]

LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   [Sophia Bekele Sophia Bekele]
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @sophiabekele

Ms. Sophia Bekele is a businesswoman, entrepreneur, executive, an activist, and international policy adviser.[1][2] She is the founder and CEO of CBS International[3] and DotConnectAfrica[4]

ICANN Work[edit | edit source]

Ms. Bekele was nominated to serve on ICANN's GNSO policy board from 2005-2007, under the Chairmanship of Dr. Vinton Cerf.

Elected by the NomCom, Sophia was the first African woman to serve and hold a seat on this powerful policy board that advises the ICANN Board on ICANN's gTLD policy. In this position, Ms. Bekele contributed to global public policies that guide the development of the Internet, including the new gTLD policy and processes affecting .asia, .com, .net, .org etc...

During her tenure, Sophia was instrumental in initiating policy dialogue over IDNs as well as the formation of a IDN working group to focus on IDNs within ICANN. She was later credited for championing the inclusion of the global IDN community within this policy dialogue.[5][6][7] As a result, Ms. Bekele was also nominated to chair ICANN's IDN Working Group. She was one of the co-authors of ICANN's IDN policy guidelines.

Sophia has also initiated the .africa TLD within ICANN and is currently championing it across Africa under DotConnectAfrica.[8] Her organization has been endorsed by various prominent Pan-African organizations and African governments.[9]

Corporate Experience[edit | edit source]

Sophia began her career working with fortune 500 companies including large banking institutions, such as: Bank of America, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, the Union Bank of California and PriceWaterhouseCoopers consulting. Her corporate career involved consultant work with multinational firms, technology risk assessment, computer quality assurance, and project management.[10]

CBS International[edit | edit source]

Ms. Bekele founded CBS International; a private Corporation with the goal of supporting technology in organizations working in emerging markets. Their self-described mission is to: "Utilize our experience in consulting services in sales, software training , and provide our clients with a total systems solutions to help lower their cost and maximize efficiency in the delivery of quality products and services". It is based near Silicon Valley, California.[11]

Other Endeavors[edit | edit source]

Additionally, Ms. Bekele has initiated the formation of the African grouping within ICANN; as well as starting and leading the .Africa project through her creation of a non-profit,public private partnership organization,DotConnectAfrica.[12]

She is a board member of the Golden Gate University,the The Internet Society of San Francisco Bay, an advisory member to various United Nation initiatives, including the UNECA (Economic commission for Africa, a former board member of Information Systems and Control Association (ISACA-SF) and advisory member to the World Affairs Council of Contra Costa County.[13]

Education[edit | edit source]

Ms. Bekele holds an MBA in Management Information Systems (MIS) from Golden Gate University, San Francisco and a Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Systems from San Francisco State University. She is also a Certified Information Systems Auditor CISA[14], Certified Control Specialist CCS[15],and Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT CGEIT.[16]

References[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]