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| logo            = LOGO DNS transp.png
| logo            = Logos pt.png
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| website        = [http://www.dns.pt www.dns.pt]
| website        = [http://www.pt.pt www.pt.pt]
| blog            =  
| blog            =  
| facebook        = [https://www.facebook.com/dns.pt/]
| facebook        = [https://www.facebook.com/dns.pt/]
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A Associação DNS.PT foi criada em junho de 2013 e sucedeu à Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional, FCCN, nos direitos e obrigações até então por esta prosseguidos no âmbito da delegação efetuada pela IANA – Internet Assigned Numbers Authority a 30 de Junho de 1988, (RFC 1032, 1033, 1034 e 1591) e, em particular, na responsabilidade pela gestão, registo e manutenção de domínios sob o TLD (Top Level Domain) .pt, domínio de topo correspondente a Portugal, conforme resultou de decisão legislativa inserta no Decreto-Lei 55/2013, de 17 de Abril.
Since june 2013, Associação DNS.PT ( Renamed Ponto (dot) PT (.PT)) is the [[registry]] for the [[ccTLD]] .pt, the country code top level domain from Portugal. The previous Registry was FCCN (Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional).
A Associação DNS.PT, associação privada sem fins lucrativos, tem como fundadores a FCT, IP - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, IP (FCT), Associação da Economia Digital (ACEPI), Associação Portuguesa para a Defesa do Consumidor (DECO) e o representante designado pela IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority como responsável pela delegação do ccTLD.pt.
The .PT is a private non-profit association and was founded by FCT, IP - Foundation for Science and Technology, IP (FCT), Digital Economy Association (ACEPI), Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection (DECO) and the representative designated by [[IANA]] - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority as responsible for the delegation of the.pt ccTLD.
Este modelo associativo e multistakeholder de governação permite uma gestão mais eficiente, flexível e participativa dos diversos atores interessados que contribui para o crescimento e engrandecimento do domínio de topo de Portugal.
This multistakeholder governance and membership model enables a more efficient and flexible participation of the various actors interested which contribute to the growth and development of the top level domain of Portugal.
==Corporate Social Responsibility==
==Corporate Social Responsibility==
Uma das missões do DNS.PT, plasmada nos seus Estatutos, é o apoio a iniciativas que se traduzam no desenvolvimento de ações de promoção e disseminação da Internet a nível nacional, como é o caso do 3em1.pt e do sitestar.pt.
One of the missions of the .PT is to support initiatives that translate into the development of actions to promote and disseminate the internet at a national level, such as 3em1.pt and sitestar.pt.  
Com a iniciativa 3em1 - www.3em1.pt - é atribuído a quem crie uma empresa, associação ou sucursal na hora, ENH, um pacote de serviços gratuitos, pelo período de um ano, que inclui um domínio registado sob .pt, uma ferramenta para desenvolvimento de um site, o respetivo alojamento técnico e caixas de correio eletrónico. O 3em1 alarga-se a outras iniciativas fora do âmbito do ENH (Empresa na Hora), assumindo a forma de "voucher” a atribuir a pessoas ou entidades a definir.  
With the 3em1 initiative it is assigned to those who create a company, association or branch on the hour, ENH, which is a government initiative, a package of free services, for a period of one year, which includes a domain registered under .pt, a website development tool and hosting and e-mail boxes. 3em1 extends to other initiatives outside the scope of the ENH, taking the form of a voucher to be assigned to individuals or entities to be defined.
O Sitestar.pt - www.sitestar.pt - é um concurso que visa desafiar os jovens portugueses empreendedores e criativos a desenvolver websites originais com conteúdos em português e sob o domínio .PT. O concurso nasceu de uma parceria com a DECO Jovem entretanto alargada a parceiros integrantes do Conselho Consultivo de DNS.PT, a saber: INPI/GDA/SPA;IGAC. O Sitestar.pt está direcionado a jovens com idades escolares entre os 14 e 18 anos, privilegiando o contexto escolar como elemento motivador para a participação dos alunos e professores.  
Sitestar.pt is a contest that aims to challenge young Portuguese students to develop original websites with content in Portuguese and under the .PT domain. The contest was born from a partnership with DECO Jovem, meanwhile extended to partners that are members of the DNS.PT Advisory Board. Sitestar.pt is aimed at young people between 14 and 18 years, privileging the school context as a motivating element for the participation of students and teachers.
Também apoiamos outras iniciativas como é o caso do concurso Mostra de Autores Desconhecidos, da iniciativa Apps for Good, dos eventos da comunidade ITPro, do evento Tuga IT, dos concursos de empreendedorismo da Acredita Portugal, da Volta a Portugal, da Corrida Terry Fox da Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro e do bloco de ações concertadas com a ACEPI, já descritas anteriormente.  
We also support other initiatives such as the Show of Unknown Authors contest, Apps for Good initiative, ITPro community events, Tuga IT event, Acredita Portugal entrepreneurship contests, Volta a Portugal event, Terry Fox - Portuguese League Against Cancer and Portugal Digital Week.
==Cooperação e Inovação==
A missão do DNS.PT está centrada na gestão, operação e manutenção do registo do domínio de topo .pt e decorrente desta, a dinamização da Internet em Portugal, na qual assenta a necessária colaboração institucional e a inovação. Isto inclui a colaboração com o .ao ccTLD, .gw ccTLD, .cv ccTLD e ENUM.
DNS.PT's mission is focused on the management, operation and maintenance of the registry of the top level domain .pt and, due to this, on the promotion of the internet in Portugal, on which rests the necessary institutional collaboration and innovation. This includes the collaboration with the .ao ccTLD, .gw ccTLD, .cv ccTLD and ENUM.  
'''LusNIC - Associação de Registries de Língua Portuguesa'''
'''LusNIC – The association of registries who have the Portuguese as official language'''
Um encontro de vontades e necessidades comuns levou as entidades responsáveis pela gestão dos registries de língua portuguesa a chegar ao acordo de constituição formal da LusNIC, como associação de direito privado com objecto de cooperação institucional multilateral entre os registries de língua portuguesa no âmbito das suas áreas de intervenção.Esta iniciativa foi concretizada no dia 23 de Setembro de 2015, em sessão formal organizada no âmbito do E-Show 2015.  
An expression of common necessity and will has brought together the entities responsible for the management of the Portuguese-language registries that assembled to reach an agreement on LusNIC’s formal constitution as a private law association whose object focuses on multi-lateral institutional cooperation amongst the Portuguese-language registries within the scope of their areas of operations. This initiative came about on 23 September 2015 at a formal session organized within the scope of E-Show 2015.  
Membros: .br; (Brasil); .cv (Cabo Verde); .gw (Guiné-Bissau); .pt (Portugal); .st (São Tomé e Príncipe) e .ao de Angola.  
Members: .br; (Brazil); .cv (Cape Verde); .gw (Guinea-Bissau); .pt (Portugal); .st (São Tomé and Príncipe) and .ao de Angola.  
'''Selo de confiança CONFIO.PT'''
'''CONFIO.PT: an accreditation stamp for websites'''
Com o intuito de promover as boas práticas no comércio eletrónico em particular, e da utilização da Internet em geral, garantir a credibilidade das lojas online e a segurança para os consumidores nas compras online a Associação DNS.PT, a ACEPI - Associação da Economia Digital e a DECO - Associação Portuguesa para a Defesa do Consumidor assinaram, no dia 22 de julho de 2016, um protocolo no âmbito do qual desenvolveram a iniciativa CONFIO.PT e que culmina com o lançamento da nova marca de confiança na Internet, o selo CONFIO.
In order to promote good practices in e-commerce in particular, and in the use of the internet in general, to ensure the credibility of online stores and the security for consumers in online shopping, DNS.PT Association, ACEPI - Association for the Digital Economy and DECO - the Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection signed on July 22 a protocol under which they developed the CONFIO.PT initiative which culminate in the launch of the new trust brand on the internet, the CONFIO.PT. The CONFIO trustmark is a digital logo that certifies that the website owner has been accredited as a result of an audit process.
O Selo Confio é o comprovativo, materializado num logótipo em formato digital, atribuído ao titular do website que seja acreditado na sequência de processo prévio de auditoria, tendo subjacente o cumprimento de um Código de Conduta e de um Regulamento.
CONFIO.PT is a unique initiative at national level which, in addition to the partnership between the three Portuguese associations, includes a partnership with the European association Ecommerce Europe, through which is also available the European Digital Trustmark - the Trust Ecommerce Europe - that will allow Portuguese companies to present themselves in the international e-commerce market on an equal footing with their international counterparts, and thus take advantage of the enormous opportunities of a fast-growing industry in Portugal, Europe and the rest of the world.
O CONFIO.PT é uma iniciativa única a nível nacional que, além da parceria entre as três associações portuguesas, inclui uma parceria com a associação europeia Ecommerce Europe, através da qual é também disponibilizado o Selo Digital Europeu – o "Trust Ecommerce Europe, que permitirá às empresas portuguesas apresentarem-se no mercado internacional de comércio eletrónico em pé de igualdade com as suas congéneres internacionais, e assim aproveitarem as enormes oportunidades de um setor em franco crescimento em Portugal, na Europa e no resto do mundo.
[[Category:ccNSO Member]]
[[Category:CcTLD Registry]]

Latest revision as of 14:10, 16 January 2024

Logos pt.png
Founded: 2013
Headquarters: Rua Latino Coelho, nº13

5º - 1050-132 Lisboa

Country: Portugal
Website: www.pt.pt
Facebook: [1]

Since june 2013, Associação DNS.PT ( Renamed Ponto (dot) PT (.PT)) is the registry for the ccTLD .pt, the country code top level domain from Portugal. The previous Registry was FCCN (Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional).

The .PT is a private non-profit association and was founded by FCT, IP - Foundation for Science and Technology, IP (FCT), Digital Economy Association (ACEPI), Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection (DECO) and the representative designated by IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority as responsible for the delegation of the.pt ccTLD.

This multistakeholder governance and membership model enables a more efficient and flexible participation of the various actors interested which contribute to the growth and development of the top level domain of Portugal.

Corporate Social Responsibility[edit | edit source]

One of the missions of the .PT is to support initiatives that translate into the development of actions to promote and disseminate the internet at a national level, such as 3em1.pt and sitestar.pt.

With the 3em1 initiative it is assigned to those who create a company, association or branch on the hour, ENH, which is a government initiative, a package of free services, for a period of one year, which includes a domain registered under .pt, a website development tool and hosting and e-mail boxes. 3em1 extends to other initiatives outside the scope of the ENH, taking the form of a voucher to be assigned to individuals or entities to be defined.

Sitestar.pt is a contest that aims to challenge young Portuguese students to develop original websites with content in Portuguese and under the .PT domain. The contest was born from a partnership with DECO Jovem, meanwhile extended to partners that are members of the DNS.PT Advisory Board. Sitestar.pt is aimed at young people between 14 and 18 years, privileging the school context as a motivating element for the participation of students and teachers.

We also support other initiatives such as the Show of Unknown Authors contest, Apps for Good initiative, ITPro community events, Tuga IT event, Acredita Portugal entrepreneurship contests, Volta a Portugal event, Terry Fox - Portuguese League Against Cancer and Portugal Digital Week.

Initiatives[edit | edit source]

DNS.PT's mission is focused on the management, operation and maintenance of the registry of the top level domain .pt and, due to this, on the promotion of the internet in Portugal, on which rests the necessary institutional collaboration and innovation. This includes the collaboration with the .ao ccTLD, .gw ccTLD, .cv ccTLD and ENUM.

LusNIC – The association of registries who have the Portuguese as official language

An expression of common necessity and will has brought together the entities responsible for the management of the Portuguese-language registries that assembled to reach an agreement on LusNIC’s formal constitution as a private law association whose object focuses on multi-lateral institutional cooperation amongst the Portuguese-language registries within the scope of their areas of operations. This initiative came about on 23 September 2015 at a formal session organized within the scope of E-Show 2015. Members: .br; (Brazil); .cv (Cape Verde); .gw (Guinea-Bissau); .pt (Portugal); .st (São Tomé and Príncipe) and .ao de Angola. www.lusnic.org

CONFIO.PT: an accreditation stamp for websites

In order to promote good practices in e-commerce in particular, and in the use of the internet in general, to ensure the credibility of online stores and the security for consumers in online shopping, DNS.PT Association, ACEPI - Association for the Digital Economy and DECO - the Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection signed on July 22 a protocol under which they developed the CONFIO.PT initiative which culminate in the launch of the new trust brand on the internet, the CONFIO.PT. The CONFIO trustmark is a digital logo that certifies that the website owner has been accredited as a result of an audit process.

CONFIO.PT is a unique initiative at national level which, in addition to the partnership between the three Portuguese associations, includes a partnership with the European association Ecommerce Europe, through which is also available the European Digital Trustmark - the Trust Ecommerce Europe - that will allow Portuguese companies to present themselves in the international e-commerce market on an equal footing with their international counterparts, and thus take advantage of the enormous opportunities of a fast-growing industry in Portugal, Europe and the rest of the world. www.confio.pt

References[edit | edit source]