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== Company articles needed ==
We have a great ICANNWiki community adding and editing all the time! [[User:Vivian|Vivian]], [[User:jmariet|Jackie]] and [[User:Dustin Phillips| Dustin]] are our most active contributors. We are currently not using any freelance writers.

* [[CircleID]]
Previous Writers:
* [[Ascio]]
* [[User:Muhammad Ali Khalid|Ali]]
* [[Associated Cities]]
* [[User:Tehreem|Tehreem]]  
* [[Blacknight Internet Solutions Ltd]]
* [[User:Saassoln|Saassoln]]
* [[.Co Internet S.A.S]]
* [[User:Anaya.writer|Anaya]]
* [[CORENic.org]]
* [[User:Nowheregirl|NWG]]
* [[EmployMedia]]
* [[User:Abyss|M.A.R.]]  
* [[GMO-Registry.com]]
* [[User:Alexander Phoenix|Alexander Phoenix]]
* [[CNNIC.cn]]
* [[User:Dana Silvia|Dana]]
* [[Community.asia]]
* [[User:Sabrinaw|Sabrina]]
* [[IronDNS.net]]
* [[User:Pulasthi|Pulasthi]] - '''Needs Editing'''
* [[ISC.org]]
* [[User:Marie Cabural|Marie]] - '''Batch 7 & 8 need editing''' Working on Batch 9
* [[IronMountain.org]]
* [[User:Steven Harrison|Steven]] - Batch left unfinished
* [[Music.us]]
* [[NewmanLaw.com]]
* [[NRO.net]]
* [[StableTone.com]]
* [[Web Agentur]]
* [[Schlund]]
* [[Moniker.com]]
* [[Paragon]]
* [[DotAsia.org]]
* [[ICA]]
* [[Net4.in]]
* [[Tralliance]]
* [[Dreyfus and associés]]
* [[CloudRegistry.net]]
* [[DNForum.com]]
* [[NameJet.com]]
* [[NameDrive.com]]
* ... please feel free to add other ICANN related companies here and we'll make articles for them
== Glossary articles needed ==
* [[DNSSEC]]
* [[ccTLD]]
* [[Whois]]
* ... please feel free to add more
== Being worked on by NWG ==
=== Batch 1 ===
<small>[[Register.com]]-AM, [[GoDaddy]]-AM, [[CIRA]]-AM, [[VeriSign]]-AM, [[MelbourneIT]]-AM, [[TelNic]]-AM, [[EuroDNS]]-AM, [[HostWay]]-AM, [[NeuStar]]-AM, [[SEDO]]-AM</small>
=== Batch 2 ===
<small>[[Dotster]]-AM, [[Fabulous]]-AM, [[Key-Systems]]-AM, [[MarkMonitor]]-AM, [[CommunityDNS]]-AM, [[Minds + Machines]]-AM, [[Momentous.ca]]-AM, [[Chris Ambler]]-AM, [[Michael Froomkin]]-AM, [[Frederick Schiwek]]-AM</small>
=== Batch 3 (People) ===
<small>[[Christian Roland]] - R, [[Clayton Narcis]] - R, [[Dorothy Chow]] - R, [[Giuseppe Grill]] - R, [[Graham Chynoweth]] - R, [[Hifzur Rehman]] - R, [[Inigo de las Heras]] - R, [[Jordi Genesca]] - R, [[Kamel Saadaoui]] - R, [[Karlene Francis]] - R, [[Khaled Fattal]] - R, [[Luis Pericchi]] - R, [[Matthieu Aubert]] - R, [[Melody Westerdal]]-AM, [[Neil Dundas]]-AM, [[Sarah Langstone]]-AM, [[Shernon Osepa]]-AM, [[Sokol Haxhiu]]-AM, [[Stephan Ramoin]]-AM, [[Thuhue nguyen]]-AM, [[Veni Markovski]]-AM, [[Victor Ciza]]-AM, [[Victor Pitts]]-AM, [[Victor Ndonnang]] - R, [[Victoria Fava]]-AM, [[Vince Caluori]]-AM, [[Vincent Ngundi]]-AM, [[Vika Mpisane]]-AM, [[Vinton Cerf]]-AM, [[Vishal Manjalani]] - R, [[Warren Adelman]]-AM, [[William Dee]]-AM, [[Wil Tan]] - R, [[William Stucke]]-AM, [[Winfried Boeing]]-AM, [[Wolfgang Kleinwaechter]]-AM, [[Yann Kwok]]-AM, [[Yaovi Atohoun]]-AM, [[Yassin Mshana]]-AM, [[Yeo Yee Ling]]-AM, [[Yoav Keren]]-AM, [[Youness El Andaloussi]]-AM, [[Yrjo Lansipuro]]-AM, [[Yumi Ohashi]]-AM, [[Yuri Demchenko]]-AM, [[Yuri Moriguchi]]-AM, [[Yuval Zantkeren]]-AM, [[Xavier Buck]] - R, [[Zoe Baird]]-AM</small>
=== Batch 4 (People) ===
# [[Andrey Vorobiev]]-AM
# [[Andy Dale]]-AM
# [[Anthony Harris]]-AM
# [[Antonio Marzo]]-AM
# [[Antonio Medina]]-AM
# [[Antonio Quirarte]]-AM
# [[Ashley Cross]] - R
# [[Atef Loukil]]-AM
# [[Atsushi ENDO]]-AM
# [[Attila Ozgit]]-AM
# [[Aziz Bouabe]]-AM
# [[Aziz Hilali]]-AM
# [[Baher Esmat]]-AM
# [[Bart Jan Buijs]]-AM
# [[Baudouin Schombe]]-AM
# [[Beatriz Alonso]]-AM
# [[Benjamin Ward]]-AM
# [[Bernard Benhamou]]-AM
# [[Bernhard Schultze]]-AM
# [[Bill Kerr]] - R
# [[Bill Mushkin]] - R
# [[Billy Watenpaugh]] - R
# [[Bonnie Chun]]-AM
# [[Borka Jerman Blazic]]-AM
# [[Breht Burri]]-AM
# [[Brenden Kuerbis]]-AM
# [[Bret Fausett]] - R
# [[Brian Cute]]-AM
# [[Brian Longwe]]-AM
# [[Brian Winterfeldt]]-AM
# [[Carole Cornell]]-AM
# [[Carsten Schiefner]]-AM
# [[Catherine Gabay]]-AM
# [[Cherian Mathai]]-AM
# [[Cheryl Smith]]-AM
# [[Chip Lewis]] - R
# [[Chris Chaplow]]-AM
# [[Christian Kalled]]-AM
# [[Christian Wichard]]-AM
# [[Christine Farley]] - R
# [[Chuck Warren]]-AM
# [[Constantine Roussos]]-AM
# [[Dan Maharry]]-AM
# [[Daniel Kalchev]]-AM
# [[Danny Aerts]]-AM
# [[Darshaun Nadeau]] - R
# [[David Goldstein]]-AM
# [[David Giza]]-AM
# [[Davor Sostaric]]-AM
# [[Eberhard Blocher]] - R
=== Batch 5 (People) ===
# [[Debbie Garside]]-AM
# [[Debbie Monahan]]-AM
# [[Debi Rosati]]-AM
# [[Didier Kasole]]-AM
# [[Dina Ritter]]-AM
# [[Dmitry Burkov]]-AM
# [[Don Moody]]-AM
# [[Drummond Reed]]-AM
# [[Eduardo Diaz]]-AM
# [[Eduardo Sztokbant]]-AM
# [[Eduardo Mercader]]-AM
# [[Elizabeth Cedillo]]-AM
# [[Elizabeth Hitchcock]]-AM
# [[Emily Taylor]]-AM
# [[Eric Harrington]]-AM
# [[Eric Rice]]-AM
# [[Eric Schaetzlein]]-AM
# [[Erik Huesca]] -AM
# [[Esther Dyson‎]] -AM
# ....
== Being worked on by M.A.R. ==
=== Batch 1 ===
<small>[[InternetNZ]]-AM, [[Nominet]]-AM, [[TAGI]]-AM, [[ICM Registry]]-AM, [[Name.com]]-AM, [[TUCOWS]]-AM, [[DENIC]]-AM, [[Escrow.com]]-AM, [[Arcs Business Solutions]]-AM, [[WhyPark]]-AM</small>
=== Batch 2 ===
<small>[[Aboubacar Cisse]] -AM, [[Adam King]]-AM, [[Adam Ndokeji]]-AM, [[Adam Peake]]-AM, [[Adam Strong]]-AM, [[Adrian Buss]]-AM, [[Adrian Carballo]]-AM, [[Aislan Vargas]]-AM, [[Ajit Sharma]], [[Alaa ElSharif]]-AM, [[Alain Bidron]]-AM, [[Alan Levin]]-AM, [[Alejandra Medina Arguedas]]-AM, [[Alex Corenthin]]-AM, [[Alberto Dominguez]]-AM, [[Alex Cregan]]-AM, [[Alex Tajirian]]-AM, [[Alexander Kulik]]-AM, [[Alexandre Annenberg]]-AM, [[Alfredo Pinochet]]-AM, [[Alick Wilson]]-AM, [[Alma Larraga]]-AM, [[Amanda Bee]]-AM, [[AnaCristina Amoroso]]-AM, [[Anders Gammelmark]]-AM, [[Andreas Conrad]]-AM, [[Andres Piazza]]-AM, [[Andrew Allemann]]-AM, [[Andy Ozment]]-AM, [[Annebeth Lange]]-AM</small>
=== Batch 3 ===
# [[Gabriel Ahad]]-AM
# [[Gabrielle Dumas]]-AM
# [[Gao Mosweu]] -AM
# [[Garth Miller]]-AM
# [[Gary Thompson]]-AM
# [[George Bundy]]-AM
# [[Geir Rasmussen]]-AM
# [[George Kirikos]]-AM
# [[George Sadowsky]]-AM
# [[GeorgeVictor Salama]]-AM
# [[Gerard Meijssen]]-AM
# [[German Valdez]]-AM
# [[Gilbert Ramsay]]-AM
# [[Ginger Paque]]-AM
# [[Glen de Saint Gery]]
# [[Glen Ricart]]
== Being worked on by Ali ==
=== Batch 1 ===
[[Adam Dicker]] - A - R
[[Adrian Kinderis]] - A - R
[[Amadeu Abril i Abril]] - A - R
[[Alejandro Pisanty]] - A - R
[[Alexander Schubert]] - A - R
[[Alice Wanjira Munyua]] - A - R
[[Ammar Kubba]] - A - R
[[Andreu Vea]] - A - R
[[Andy Linton]] - A - R
[[Ann Onymous]] - R (ha, this one is good as is) (copied a paragraph from ICANNwiki.org)
[[Anne-Rachel Inne]] - A - R
[[Antony Van Couvering]] - A - R
[[Avri Doria]] - A - R
[[Barbara Fraser]] - A - R
[[Bob Parsons]] - A - R
[[Carl Malamud]] - A - R
[[Carlos Afonso]] - A - R
[[Carlos Dionisio Aguirre]] - A -AM
[[Carlos Friacas]] - A -AM
[[Casper Thomsen]] - A -AM
[[Charles Shaban]] - A - R -AM (didn't see that R!)
[[Cheryl Langdon-Orr]] - A -AM
[[Ching Chiao]] - A -AM
[[Chris Disspain]] - A -AM
[[Christophe Reverd]] - A -AM
[[Chuck Gomes]] - A - R
[[Chuck Kisselburg]] - A -AM
[[Clarke Walton]] - A -AM
[[Cliff Monlux]] - A -AM
[[Clint Page]] - A -AM
[[Connie Gougler]] - A -AM
[[Craig Goren]] - A -AM
[[Dan Mendell]] - A -AM
[[Dan Trampedach]] - A -AM
[[Dan Warner]] - A -AM
[[Dave Piscitello]] - A -AM
[[Demi Getschko]] - A -AM
[[Denise Michel]] - A -AM
[[Desiree Miloshevic]] - A -AM
[[Edmon Chung]] - A -AM
[[Elliot Noss]] - A -AM
[[Emiliano Pasqualetti]] - A -AM
[[Doron Shikmoni]] - A -AM
[[Erick Iriarte Ahon]] - A -AM
[[Frank Fowlie]] - A -AM
[[Izumi Aizu]] - A -AM
[[Jacqueline A. Morris]] - A -AM
[[Jeremy Hitchcock]] - A -AM
[[Jerl Leutz]] - A -AM
[[Joe Alagna]] - A -AM
[[Elaine Pruis]] - A -AM
=== Batch 2 ===
# [[Alberto Perez]] - A -AM
# [[David Taylor]] - A -AM
# [[Denesh Bhabuta]] - A -AM
# [[Jay Westerdal]]-A -AM
# [[Jean Armour Polly]]-A -AM
# [[Jean-Christophe Vignes]]-A -AM
# [[Jean-Jacques Subrenat]]-A -AM
# [[Jeff Neuman]]-A -AM
# [[Jeffrey J. Douglas]]-A -AM
# [[Jeffrey Samuels]]-A -AM
# [[Joan Francesc Gras]]-A -AM
# [[Johannes Lenz-Hawliczek]]-A -AM
# [[John Berryhill]]-A -AM
# [[John Crain]] - A -AM‎
# [[Joost Zuurbier]] - A -AM
# [[Jordi Iparraguirre]] - A -AM
# [[Josh Rowe]] - A -AM
# [[Kathy Kleiman]] - A -AM
# [[Khurram Nizami]] - A -AM
# [[Kim von Arx]] - A -AM
# [[Lauri Hirvonen]] - A -AM
# [[Lester Kum]] - A -AM
# [[Li Guanghao]] - A -AM
# [[Liz Gasster]] - A -AM
# [[Liz Williams]] - A -AM
# [[Mary Uduma]] - A -AM
# [[Michael Collins]] - A -AM
# [[Michael Ward]]-A -AM
# [[Michele Neylon]]-A -AM
# [[Monty Moose]] - A -AM
# [[Owen Smigelski]] - A -AM
# [[Patricio Poblete]]-A -AM
# [[Patrick Jones]]-A -AM
# [[Paul Diaz]]-A -AM
# [[Paul Goldstone]] - A -AM
# [[Peter Ejtel]]- A -AM
# [[Peter H. Hellmonds]] - A -AM
# [[Peter Ulanga]] - A -AM
# [[Pierre Dandjinou]] - A -AM
# [[Ray Bero]] - A -AM
# [[Richard Bye]] - A -AM
# [[Richard Lau]] - A -AM
# [[Richard Westlake]] - A -AM
# [[Roelof Meijer]] - A -AM
# [[Ron Sheridan]] - A -AM
# [[Sam Bazzi]] - A -AM
# [[Samantha Frida]] - A -AM
# [[Steve DelBianco]] - A -AM
# [[Sudhir Bhagwan]] - A -AM
# [[Thomas Moerz]] - A -AM
== Being worked on by Virtually Capable ==
== Being worked on by Alex ==
=== Batch 1 ===
<small>[[Afternic]]-AM, [[ANRT]]-AM, [[DomainSponsor.com]]-AM, [[DomainsBot.com]]-AM, [[InternetX.com]]-AM, [[Nic.at]]-AM, [[Namebay]]-AM, [[Pool.com]]-AM, [[Registry.pro]]-AM, [[Stargate]]-AM</small>
== Being worked on George ==
=== Batch 1 ===
<small>[[AboutUs]]-AM, [[Afilias]]-AM, [[AusRegistry]]-AM, [[BT Group PLC]]-AM, [[BulkRegister]]-AM, [[CentralNic]]-AM, [[GNR]]-AM, [[TrafficZ]]-AM, [[UltraDNS]]-AM, [[WebHosting.Info]]-AM</small>

== Related Links ==
== Related Links ==
* [[Getting Started]]
* [[Getting Started]]
* [[Expectations for Writers|Expectations for VWorker & Elance writers]]
* [[How to create a great company article]]
* [[How to create a great company article]]
* [[How to create a great person article]]
* [[How to create a great person article]]
* [[How to create a great glossary article]]

Latest revision as of 20:37, 28 May 2015

We have a great ICANNWiki community adding and editing all the time! Vivian, Jackie and Dustin are our most active contributors. We are currently not using any freelance writers.

Previous Writers:

Related Links