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== Graduate years ==
== Graduate years ==
Genty's first year in Master of Science in engineering at IstiA in Angers leaded him to work in several factories where he got once a remark about his personal life. The HR made a mistake by thinking it was him while it was an homonym too talkative on the Internet. Genty registered its first and family name as trademark<ref> Trademark number 4052269</ref> and some domain names. Its passion for the importance of domain names began by this story.
Genty's first year in Master of Science in engineering at IstiA in Angers leaded him to work in several factories where he got once a remark about his personal life. The HR made a mistake by thinking it was him while it was an homonym too talkative on the Internet. Genty registered its first and family name as trademark<ref> Trademark number 4052269</ref> and some domain names. Its passion for the importance of domain names began by this story.
Genty worked as a Innovation officer for the American Chamber of Commerce in Dushanbe, Tajikistan<ref>http://www.amcham.tj/images/1Final-newsletter-AmCham.pdf</ref> where he developped assistance to the establishment of American companies on Tajik soil. Genty helped the French community, the smallest one in the world with less than 40 people. Genty worked with the Tajik registrar [http://promotion.tj/ Promotion] and has some exchanges with [http://www.nic.tj/contacts.html Information Technology Center], the [[.TJ]] domain [[registry]].
== PhD Thesis ==
== PhD Thesis ==

Revision as of 17:46, 28 March 2019

Organization: Arts & Metiers ParisTech
Affiliation: NextGen@ICANN
Stakeholder Group(s): ,|xyz|xyz|
Region: Europe
Country: France
Email: clement.genty [@] ensam.eu

LinkIcon.png   http://www.genty.info

LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Clement Genty
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @clementgenty

Clément Genty is a French PhD Candidate at Arts & Metiers ParisTech in industrial engineering and lecturer at the University of Angers. His research focuses on the financial and extrafinancial valuation of domain names. Genty holds an engineering degree, and is particularly interested in the technical function of the domain name and its value.

At ICANN58, he suggested the creation of new TLD based on the unused .FX ccTLD to create a trusted space[1]. During the Public Forum, he asked for a better understanding of the Domain Name System, citing his mother who doesn't understand anything. At the end of its answer, Göran Marby, CEO of ICANN added "Good luck with your mother and explaining it. My mother is 85 and she never figured out what I do or why"[2].

In 2017, he made a proposal to resume French possession of Julia Island, an island located at the south of Italia, by creating an economy linked to a dedicated ccTLD, which he named .JU[3].

Member of EURALO, he was an unsuccessful candidate for the election at the board of 2017-2019[4]. Its Expression Of Interest[5] expressed the will to create the first French School of Internet of Governance, École Française de la Gouvernance de l'Internet[6], expected to start by 2018.

At the French version of the Three Minutes Thesis competition, named My Thèse en 180 secondes, he explained the Domain Name Industry from the point of view of the ccTLD economy and suggested the creation of a New gTLD, the .FRANCE to recreate trust over the Domain Name System.

Undergraduate years[edit | edit source]

After its baccalauréat, Genty began its education by a BTS Domotique, a technician certificate about home automation, data governance and telecommunications. For its results, he got a AFDET Honour Award[7].

Graduate years[edit | edit source]

Genty's first year in Master of Science in engineering at IstiA in Angers leaded him to work in several factories where he got once a remark about his personal life. The HR made a mistake by thinking it was him while it was an homonym too talkative on the Internet. Genty registered its first and family name as trademark[8] and some domain names. Its passion for the importance of domain names began by this story.

Genty worked as a Innovation officer for the American Chamber of Commerce in Dushanbe, Tajikistan[9] where he developped assistance to the establishment of American companies on Tajik soil. Genty helped the French community, the smallest one in the world with less than 40 people. Genty worked with the Tajik registrar Promotion and has some exchanges with Information Technology Center, the .TJ domain registry.

PhD Thesis[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

Genty's thesis, funded by the French registrar Nameshield, aimed to understand the mechanisms of domain name valuation. Initially presented as a purely economic study, his thesis mixed computer science, history and economics. Genty's research has made it possible to determine via different PCAs the parameters acting on the value of a name. The database used for semantic calculation is DNPRIC.ES.

Results[edit | edit source]

For Genty, the creation of gTLDs, combined with the creation of ccTLDs, has created a digital economy based on the volume of domain name registrations. Companies, as well as countries, when managing their ccTLDs, have preferred to develop a new source of profits rather than use their TLD to structure the national namespace. The examples, mostly Polynesian, point out that the low development of the Internet in the era of ccTLDs made it possible not to worry about the importance of this digital territory.

On the other hand, in France, Genty's country, ccTLD management is still not regulated, some ccTLDs are still not managed by France (.GP, .GF, .MQ), or not managed at all (.BL, .CP, .FX, .MF).

For Genty, the revamp of the namespace in the trusted zone must be done through a new TLD, either the .FX, reserved but not used, or the .FRANCE. The .FR ccTLD is now considered a commercial zone, as has the .COM since its inception.

Genty's research makes it possible to define on the example of medical questions, that the young people classify Internet sites according to their extensions, that in .GOUV.FR, the French equivalent of .GOV, being the most credible.

Career History[edit | edit source]

Nameshield (2014-2018)[edit | edit source]

Worked as a research engineer for the French registrar Nameshield.

AmCham Tajikistan (2013)[edit | edit source]

Worked as a Communication officer for the American Chamber of Commerce in Tajikistan[10]. Exchanges with Information Technology Center, the .TJ domain registry.

ICANN and Internet Governance Participation[edit | edit source]

Education[edit | edit source]

  • PhD Candidate in industrial Engineering at Arts & Metiers ParisTech[16][17]
  • Listener of the first International Session of Security-Justice, organised by the INHESJ at the EHESP[18]
  • Engineer Degree in industrial Engineering at IstiA Innovation

Publications[edit | edit source]

Clement Genty is the author and co-author of several publications:

  • Trust on the Internet: how the French ccTLD .FR went from a remarkable to a speculative system[19] - Best Paper Award[20]
  • Représentation sur Internet : comment adopter une stratégie de dépot de noms de domaine coherente avec la réalité du marché. Suivi des évolutions d’usage des réseaux sociaux et des moteurs de recherche. Representation on the Internet: how to adopt a domain name registration strategy consistent with the reality of the market. Tracking changes of the use of social networks and search engines
  • Finding Yourself on the Internet: Proposing a Fair and Reliable System
  • La valorisation des actifs immatériels numériques , une pratique nécessaire. Revue des méthodes existantes et proposition d’une analyse technico-économique Digital intangible assets valuation, a necessary Practice. Review of existing methods and propose an economical and technical analysis
  • Noms de domaine et marques d'entreprise: de la disruption des politiques de nommage à celle des usages[21]

Workshop Presentations[edit | edit source]

  • Valorisation des noms de domaine au titre des actifs immatériels. Entre couche sémantique, technique et gouvernance de l’Internet. Valuation of domain names as intangible assets. Between the semantic, technical and governance layers of the Internet
  • Faites comme Jordan Belfort: misez peu, gagnez gros. Act like Jordan Belfort: bet a little, win a lot
  • Sur Internet, faisons confiance à Hector Guimard. On the Internet, trust Hector Guimard.
  • Domain name valuation: Typology and verification of research hypotheses.
  • Pitcairn: l’économie numérique au service des mutins ! Pitcairn: the digital economy at the service of the mutineers !
  • Le cybersquattage des username analogue à celui des noms de domaine ? Is the cybersquatting of usernames similar to that of domain names?

Book Chapters[edit | edit source]

  • Transmission du patrimoine africain: le défi du numérique au service d’une tradition immatérielle. Transmission of African heritage: the digital challenge in the service of an intangible tradition. In Patrimoine culturel Africain. Matériau pour l'histoire, outil de développement[22]

Teaching[edit | edit source]

  • La gouvernance de l'Internet appliqué au monde de l'entreprise. The Internet Governance applied to the business world. Institut Catholique de l'Ouest
  • Identité numérique. Numeric Identity. Université d'Angers

Awards[edit | edit source]

  • IDEX-INT HESAM Université Grant - Field research in Cote d'Ivoire to see the management of the .CI ccTLD [23][24]
  • Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (EuroDIG 2018)
  • NextGen Ambassador Program (ICANN 62)
  • NextGen Program (ICANN 58)
  • Best Paper Award[20]
  • Debayle Grant
  • CIFRE grant

References[edit | edit source]

  1. http://schd.ws/hosted_files/icann58copenhagen2017/17/4.%20Clement%20Genty-F-ICANN58.pdf
  2. https://schd.ws/hosted_files/icann58copenhagen2017/60/I58CPH_Thu16Mar2017-Public%20Forum%202-en.pdf
  3. http://www.objectifjulia.fr/
  4. https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/EURALO+Board+2017-2019+Workspace
  5. https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/EURALO+Board+2017-2019+Workspace?preview=/74583166/74586259/EOI-Genty-Euralo.pdf
  6. http://efgi.fr/
  7. http://afdet38.free.fr/Prix2008/diapo/slides/_DSC1141.html
  8. Trademark number 4052269
  9. http://www.amcham.tj/images/1Final-newsletter-AmCham.pdf
  10. http://www.amcham.tj/images/1Final-newsletter-AmCham.pdf
  11. https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2016-12-02-en
  12. https://www.afnic.fr/en/about-afnic/presentation/members/individual-user-members-3.html
  13. http://individualusers.org/our-members-community/
  14. https://eurossig.eu/eurossig/summer-school-impressions/pictures-and-archives/2017-edition/fellows/clement-genty/
  15. https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2018-04-06-en
  16. http://lampa.ensam.eu/doctorants-pi-133073.kjsp
  17. http://www.theses.fr/en/s150263
  18. https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do;jsessionid=80CA0E6E872116B6616DE75D72DE3FBE.tplgfr35s_3?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000036758008&dateTexte=&oldAction=rechJO&categorieLien=id&idJO=JORFCONT000036757756
  19. https://www.thinkmind.org/index.php?view=article&articleid=internet_2017_2_20_40010
  20. 20.0 20.1 https://www.iaria.org/conferences2017/AwardsINTERNET17.html
  21. http://sam.ensam.eu/handle/10985/11149
  22. http://www.editions-harmattan.fr/index.asp?navig=catalogue&obj=livre&no=58226
  23. http://www.hesam.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/180228_CP_8LaureatsHFA.pdf
  24. http://www.hesam.eu/blog/le-jury-du-programme-idex-int-dhesam-universite-accorde-8-bourses-de-mobilite-sortante-vers-la-cote-divoire/