Dates: 13th - 17th July 2000
Location: Yokohama, japan
Host: Japan
Venue: Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center Yokohama, Japan
Website: [1]
Historical Significance
ICANN 6 was the first event to be held in Yokohama, Japan


ICANN 6 took place in Yokohama, Japan, and it was the first ICANN event to take place in Japan. The event was of a high interest and many persons had arrived for the meetings in which were to take place. The meetings took place in several hotels across Yokohama, including the Kaiyotei Hotel, Intercontinental Hotel and the main host the Pacifico Yokohama Conferance centre. ICANN 6 was seen to have been a very succsessful event as many issues were discussed and several were resolved. This meeting proved just how far the ICANN events had developed since its begining.

The Meetings were free to attend by any interested person and as in previous ICANN events, there was also a remote participation facility, for persons who were unable to make the Event. The Local organizing committee for the event was Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC).


The meetings for ICANN 6 were to be held over a six day period, which was to be the longest an ICANN event had ever been schedulaed for. However in previous events, you will have seen that each day was seen as a busy day, and the mettings were all one after the other, which could have been seen as too much to take in for one day. Many of the meetings that had taken place throughout the event were not behind closed doors and were all availble as an open forum, even the ICANN board of directors meeting was avilable as a webcast.

The meetings covered a variety of topics and sessions included:

  • ICANN Board of Directors Meeting
  • ICANN Public Forum
  • Governmental Advisory Committee
  • Domain Name Supporting Organization
  • Intellectual Property Constituency
  • ISPs and Connectivity Providers
  • Non-commercial Domain Name Holders Constituency

A complete Agenda and Timetable for the event can be found here


There were many talking point on all issues raised during this event. The open forum provided some key points all of which were up for a public commenting and disucssion

Historical Notes


External Links