TL Test BarData

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Revision as of 18:56, 16 September 2021 by JP (talk | contribs)
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EasyTimeline 1.90

Timeline generation failed: 7 errors found
Line 46: bar:CEO from:05/15/2016 till:now text:"[[Goran Marby|Marby]]"

- PlotData attribute 'till' invalid.

 Date 'now' does not conform to specified DateFormat mm/dd/yyyy.

Line 54: bar:Chair from:11/08/2019 till:now text:"[[Maarten Botterman|Botterman]]"

- PlotData attribute 'till' invalid.

 Date 'now' does not conform to specified DateFormat mm/dd/yyyy.

Line 60: color:structure from:10/01/2016 till:now align:center text:"[[PTI|PTI created, takes over IANA Functions Oversight]]"

- PlotData attribute 'till' invalid.

 Date 'now' does not conform to specified DateFormat mm/dd/yyyy.

Line 63: color:org from:01/01/2007 till:now text:"[[ICANN Reviews|Seemingly Infinite Reviews]]"

- PlotData attribute 'till' invalid.

 Date 'now' does not conform to specified DateFormat mm/dd/yyyy.

Line 65: color:org from:01/01/2009 till:now text:"[[Accountability and Transparency]]"

- PlotData attribute 'till' invalid.

 Date 'now' does not conform to specified DateFormat mm/dd/yyyy.

Line 66: color:org from:01/01/2017 till:now text:"[[Information Transparency Initiative]]"

- PlotData attribute 'till' invalid.

 Date 'now' does not conform to specified DateFormat mm/dd/yyyy.

Line 67: color:org from:01/01/2019 till:now text:"[[Evolution of the Multistakeholder Model]]"

- PlotData attribute 'till' invalid.

 Date 'now' does not conform to specified DateFormat mm/dd/yyyy.