.CLUB Domains LLC

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Type: Privately Held
Industry: New gTLD Applicant
Founded: 2011
Founder(s): Colin Campbell
Headquarters: 1640 West Oakland Park Boulevard #304

Oakland Park, Fl, 33311

Country: USA
Website: DotClub.com
Blog: DotClub.com/blog
Key People
Colin Campbell, Chairman & CEO
Jeffrey Sass, CMO

.CLUB Domains LLC owns and operates the .club gTLD within ICANN's new gTLD program. Its mission is to better serve clubs and associations, which it believes are not adequately represented by current gTLD offerings such as .com and .org. The entity was one of the first public applicants within the program, given that many potential applicants kept their own plans under wraps. This public presence has included sponsorship of ICANN Meetings, including ICANN 43. They believe that this public presence has allowed them to create excitement around the potential extension and elicit support from those interested.[1] This support has also taken the form of fundraising to aid in the successful acquisition and delegation of the string.[2] Application related financing was secured, and contingent financing to ensure that .CLUB Domains wins the extension in a potential auction was also been received.[3]

The organization has operations in the USA, Canada, Ukraine, and the Philippines.[4]

.CLUB Domains LLC filed their application with ICANN on the first possible day, January 12th, 2012. The organization was aware of several competitive bids for the .club extension and believes that these bidders have no intentions of running an actual registry; .CLUB Domains LLC has expressed no interest in bargaining with them and prefers to win the extension in an open auction. Collin Campbell wrote in his blog, "We have been approached by a number of companies who are applying for .Club. Our belief is that is best not to negotiate with these companies or individuals but win the name through an open and fair auction process." [5][6]

The audience for a .club TLD is potentially large, given that clubs come in all sorts of sizes and that there are countless clubs around the word, furthermore, belonging to a given club is something that individuals and companies often take great pride in. It also has the added benefit of being a word that is often used in its English form in other languages, such as French, Spanish, and Italian.[7]

There were two other applicants for .club: Donuts, and Merchant Law Group LLP.

Background[edit | edit source]

.CLUB Domains LLC was started by successful, serial entrepreneur Colin Campbell. His previous endeavors include co-founding both Tucows (1998) and Hostopia (2000), and acting as the founding director of The Canadian Internet Registry Association (CIRA).[8] He has also served as the Director of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (CAIP).

Other current projects include GeeksForLess.com, Sharkfin Networks, and Brisk Mobile.

His companies have received a number of awards and recognized distinctions, including: Profit magazine's 7th fastest growing company in Canada (1997), 2nd fastest growing company in Canada (1998), #1 fastest growing company (2005) and Inc magazine's top 500 fastest growing companies (2005).[9]

References[edit | edit source]

Chinese version of this page/本页中文版[edit | edit source]

Type: 私人持股
Industry: New gTLD Applicant
Founded: 2011
Founder(s): 柯博尔 (Colin Campbell)
Headquarters: 1640 West Oakland Park Boulevard #304

Oakland Park, Fl, 33311

Country: 美国
Website: DotClub.com
Blog: DotClub.com/blog
Key People
柯博尔 (Colin Campbell),董事长、首席执行官
单杰飞 (Jeff Sass),首席营销官

.CLUB顶级域名公司ICANN新通用顶级域项目.Club通用顶级域的所有者和运营商,其使命是为无法在.com.org等现有顶级域中找到满意域名的俱乐部和协会组织提供最理想的域名。该公司并未像其他许多潜在申请者一样对自己的计划讳莫如深,而是通过赞助包括ICANN 43在内的ICANN大会高调成为新通用顶级域项目中的首批公开申请人之一。他们认为,公开身份更有利于制造话题,获得对新域名后缀有兴趣的群体支持,[1]其中包括为该后缀字符串的购买和授权而进行的募资。



.Club顶级域名公司于2012年1月12日,也就是开放申请的第一天,向ICANN提交了申请。此时他们已经注意到另外还有数家机构正在对.Club后缀进行竞标,认为上述竞争对手并无开设注册局的计划,因此决定不与其进行私下交易,通过公开拍卖一决胜负。CEO柯博尔在他的博客里写道:"有若干家正在申请.Club字符串的公司前来联系。我们认为最好不要与这些公司或个人讨价还价,应该在公开、公平的拍卖中赢得后缀。" [5][6]


.Club还有另外两个申请人:DonutsMerchant Law Group LLP.

背景[edit | edit source]

.CLUB顶级域名公司的创始人是成绩斐然的创业家柯博尔( Colin Campbell),此前创办过Tucows(1998)和Hostopia(2000)等企业。同时,他也是 加拿大互联网注册局协会(CIRA)的创会理事[8],曾经担任 加拿大互联网服务提供商协会(CAIP)的董事。

柯博尔目前主持的项目还有GeeksForLess.comSharkfin NetworksBrisk Mobile等。


参考资料[edit | edit source]