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.ישראל is the IDN ccTLD for Israel. It is managed by The Israel Internet Association (RA).[1]

Rules and Restrictions[edit | edit source]

The following Domain Names will not be allocated:

  • Domain Names which are identical or confusingly similar to the 2nd level Domain Names;
  • Domain name is identical to the top level domain "ישראל";
  • Domain Names containing obscene words and Names incorporating foul language; Names that are injurious to public order or to public sensibilities, or Names that otherwise infringe the laws of the State of Israel

Second-level Domains[edit | edit source]

Third-level Domain Names will only be allocated under the following Second-level Domain Names and to the following entities only:

  • .אקדמיה.ישראל (“.academy.israel” in Hebrew): for academic institutions of higher education that have been recognized as such by the Israel Council for Higher Education ("CHE"). Under this 2nd level Domain Name only Domain Names approved by CHE will be allocated.
  • .ממשל.ישראל (“.government.israel” in Hebrew): for governmental entities of the State of Israel. Under this 2nd level Domain Name only Domain Names of Israeli governmental entities will be allocated and where the registration applications were submitted to the “e-Government Unit”.
  • .צהל.ישראל (“.idf.israel” in Hebrew): for Israel Defense Forces’ entities. Under this 2nd level Domain Name only Israel Defense Forces Domain Names will be allocated and where the registration applications were submitted by IDF’s Center of Computing and Information Systems (“Mamram”).
  • .ישוב.ישראל (“.settlement.israel” in Hebrew): for municipal and local government authorities. Domain Names under this 2nd level Domain Name are allocated to municipal authorities within the State of Israel.

Characters[edit | edit source]

A Domain Name may only be comprised of the following characters and must include at least one letter from the Hebrew alphabet characters:

  • Hebrew alphabet characters – the letters “א” to “ת”, including final letters: “ם”, “ך”, “ף”, “ן”, “ץ” (corresponding to Unicode Code-Points U+05D0 to U+05EA);
  • digits – the digits "0" to "9";
  • hyphen – the character "-".

A Domain Name’s length will not exceed 63 characters when represented in the standard A-Label Form and will not be shorter than 2 characters in the U-Label Form. The minimal length of a Domain Name is 2 characters.

A Domain Name:

  • may not begin or end with a hyphen;
  • may not contain two consecutive hyphens ("--") - except for Domain Names in the standard A-Label form for Hebrew Domain Names;
  • may not begin with a digit;
  • middle and final letter are synonymous for the purpose of registering a Domain Name (“כ”=”ך”, “מ”=”ם”, “נ”=”ן” ,“פ”=”ף”, “צ”=”ץ”). ISOC-IL will not allocate a Domain Name where an identical Domain Name was already allocated, where the only difference between both Domain Names is middle and final letter/s (for example: if the Domain Name “שםמתחם.ישראל” was allocated, the Domain Names “שממתחמ.ישראל” or “שממתחם.ישראל” or “שםמתחמ.ישראל" cannot be used or allocated.

References[edit | edit source]