ICANN 57 Quickie
Thanks for picking up the third edition of the ICANNWiki Quickie, an indispensable guide to ICANN57 in Hyderabad, India. Like ICANNWiki, this guide was built from the bottom-up. For instance, insteading of adding to the abundance of literature available on the IANA Transition, we decided to reach out directly to different stakeholders across the globe to get their thoughts on the transition. That is just one great example of how we approach the Quickie--we share what we know, learn from each other and move forward as one toward a meaningful and productive meeting.
Inside you’ll find an explanation of the many acronyms found in ICANN, primers of relevant topics, a new guide to visual editing on the wiki, fantastic infographics and much more!
ICANN 58 - Quickie -- DOWNLOAD .PDF
Ever since ICANN55 in Marrakech, ICANNWiki has been visually representing data sets with our exciting new infographics. Our latest batch analyzes global internet connectivity trends, and includes a subtle focus on India. Click here to see more ICANNWiki Infographics.
ICANN 58 - Quickie -- DOWNLOAD .PDF
Global Internet Penetration Rates & Internet Connectivity
(August 2016) -
Global Internet Users Per Country
(August 2016)
IANA Transition
There is an abundance of amazing content available surrounding the IANA Transition, and rightfully so. It has been a primary focal point of the community for the past two years. It was great to see the community taking the initiative to educate the world about the importance of the transition, especially when things became increasingly contentious.
In the ICANNWiki Quickie, we’ve decided to take a different approach. We wanted to focus on people from the global community who will benefit from transition, and let them tell the story.
ICANNWiki: Content Guide | Documentation | Development Categories: Articles needing attention | Candidates for deletion Projects: Internet & Digital Governance Library