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Cintra Sooknanan

From ICANNWiki
Revision as of 21:26, 13 December 2012 by Vivian (talk | contribs)
Country: Trinidad and Tobago
Email: cintra.sooknanan [at] gmail.com
LinkedIn:    [cintra-sooknanan Cintra Sooknanan]
Twitter:    @Cintras1
Featured in the ICANN 42 - Senegal playing card deck

Cintra Sooknanan is an Attorney at Law and Director of Trinidad & Tobago Computer Society,[1] [2] as well as the ALS Representative from Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society in LACRALO.[3]

Cintra is a member of the Law Association of Trinidad and Tobago and is an Associate at the Mair and Company.[4] She also is a founding member of the ISOC Trinidad and Tobago Chapter.[5]

As a part of the At-Large Improvements Working Team C (WT-C), Cintra Sooknanan has helped recommend 2 key changes in ICANN at the ICANN Silicon Valley.[6] [7] She has also attended ICANN Cartagena de Indias.[8]

She has sent her Statement of Interest to become a member at the ICANN's NomCom 2011.[9]

Cintra enjoys Scuba Diving and playing Scrabble with two letter words.
