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Jean-Jacques Subrenat is a former Ambassador. He is currently a member of the ALAC, having been appointed twice by ICANN's NomCom, 2010-2012, again 2012-2014.Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag </ref>. During his service on the ICANN Board, was (successively or simultaneously) active in several Board Committees: President's Strategy Committee, where he was one of the authors of the "Implementation Plan for Improving Institutional Confidence" <>; Board Governance Committee; Structural Improvements Committee; Public Participation Committee (as its first Chair); he was the initiator of the Global Relationships Committee, the creation of which he advocated for more than 2 years before the Board accepted his proposal to set up Board oversight on international and institutional work by the CEO and senior Staff. Also served on several Board Working Groups: ALAC Review, Board Review, ccNSO Review (as its Chair).

Subrenat has noted that he is "self-educated" with regards to the Internet.[1] He has been involved in international Internet governance fora in the past decade, including the IGF.[2][3]

Articles, comments & videos about the Internet[edit | edit source]

  • Subrenat's contributions to the industry blog, CircleID, can be found here.
  • Dr. Subrenat speaking on the Multistakeholder Model and the role of governments within ICANN (interviewed by Glenn McKnight):


Professional experience[edit | edit source]

Ambassador Subrenat was a French diplomat, 1971-2005. Among other assignments, he was on the Policy Planning Staff (1976-78); seconded to the Ministry of Industry to help set up the Solar Energy Authority, where he created and led the international affairs department (1978-80); Diplomatic Adviser to the Minister for Europe (1980-81); Deputy director for Asia and the Pacific (1984-86); Alternate director for development aid (1986-88); Alternate director for the Americas (1992-95).[4] He went on to serve as Ambassador to the Western European Union in Brussels (1995-1998), to Estonia (1998-2002), and Finland (2002-2005).[5] He acted as interim Governor for France on the Board of Governors of the Asia-Europe Foundation ASEF in 2005. He retired from diplomatic service in 2005.[6]

Other work includes:

  • Volunteer, French Navy, 1960-63 (full time).
  • Scholarship student, 1964-66.
  • Researcher, CNRS, 1967-1971 (full time).
  • Tutor, Institut International d'Administration Publique, 1986-88 (part time).
  • Chairman of the Advisory Board, Institut Pierre Werner, 2007-10 (voluntary, part time).
  • Senior advisor to the board of CCRN (Centre culturel et de rencontre Neumunster), which he represented in EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture network), 2009-10 (voluntary, part time).
  • Tutor, Ecole nationale d'administration, Strasbroug, 2007-08 Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag;
  • author of Listen, There's Music From the Forest: a Brief Presentation of the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival in English and French.

One of Jean-Jacques Subrenat's longterm interests has been horology; among other articles, he wrote about the Finnish School of Watchmaking, here.

Education, training[edit | edit source]

Jean-Jacques Subrenat holds a doctoral degree ("Doctorat du troisième cycle") in history from the Sorbonne University in Paris, and other degrees from Bordeaux, Osaka, Paris. aseminfoboard</ref>

References[edit | edit source]